If the difference between a and B is 19.8, a is () and B is ()

If the difference between a and B is 19.8, a is () and B is ()

Read the question: "the decimal point of number a moves one place to the right", that is, "the number a is expanded ten times"
Therefore, let B be x and a be 10x
The solution is x = 2.2
A: the number a is 2.2 and the number B is 22.2
(2) If you learn negative numbers, there is another possibility:
The solution is x = - 2.2
A: the number a is - 2.2, and the number B is - 22
I hope I can help you (*^__ ^*)

The sum of a and B is 19.8. If the decimal point of a is moved one place to the right, it is equal to B, then a is (), B is ()

A 1.8, B 18

The difference between a and B is 19.8. If the decimal point of a moves two places to the right, it is equal to the number of B. calculate the number of A
If the area of a triangle is s square centimeter and its height is 4 centimeter, then its bottom is () centimeter
The two ships left Qingdao for Shanghai at the same time. 18 hours later, ship a was 57.6 kilometers behind ship B. the average speed of ship a was 32.5 kilometers per hour, that of ship a was 32.5 kilometers per hour, and that of ship B was how many kilometers per hour? (equation solution)
A. B is 490 km away from each other. A freight car and a passenger car run from a and B at the same time. It is known that the freight car runs 80 km per hour, and the passenger car runs 60 km per hour. A few hours later, the distance between the two cars is 140 km? (use the equation solution, and write the idea)

1. The difference between a and B is 19.8, the decimal point of a moves two places to the right, which is equal to B. A-B = 19.8, a / 100 = B. by solving the equation, a = 20, B = 0.22, ship a walked 18 × 32.5 = 585km in 18 hours, ship B walked 585-57.6 = 527.4km in 18 hours, and the average speed of ship B was 527.4 / 18 = 29.3km

The difference between a and B is 19.8. If the decimal point of a moves to the right by two digits, it is equal to the number of B, then the number of a is______ .

19.8 ÷ (100-1) = 0.2. A: the number of a is 0.2, so the answer is: 0.2