The sum of number a and number B is 42.24. If the decimal point of number a moves one place to the left, it is equal to number B. what are the two books?

The sum of number a and number B is 42.24. If the decimal point of number a moves one place to the left, it is equal to number B. what are the two books?

If the decimal point of number a moves one place to the left, it is equal to number B, indicating that number a is 10 times of number B
B: 42.24 ÷ (10 + 1) = 3.84
A: 3.84 × 10 = 38.4

The sum of a and B is 42. If the decimal point of a is moved one place to the left, it is exactly equal to half of B?
Use the formula

Let a be x and B be y
Then we get x + y = 42
∴x=35 y=7
So a is 35

The sum of a and B is 43.648. If the decimal point of a is moved one digit to the left, it is equal to B. what are the two numbers?

Number B: 43.648 △ 10 + 1 = 43.648 △ 11 = 3.968 number A: 3.968 × 10 = 39.68 answer: number a is 39.68, number B is 3.968