The sum of a and B is 303.49. If the decimal point of B moves one place to the right, it is equal to A. what is a and B

The sum of a and B is 303.49. If the decimal point of B moves one place to the right, it is equal to A. what is a and B

A = 303.49 ÷ (1 + 0.1) = 275.9
B = 275.9 × 0.1 = 27.59

The sum of a and B is 303.49. If the decimal point of B moves one place to the left, it is equal to a, then what are the two numbers?
Can't set equation, please explain in detail

If the decimal point of number B is moved one place to the left, it is equal to number a
So number B is 10 times of number a
49 / 11 = 27. 59
B = 275.9

The sum of a and B is 303.49. If the decimal point in the book is moved to the left, it is equal to a, then what are the two numbers

If the decimal point of number B is moved one place to the left, it is equal to number a
So number B is 10 times of number a
49 / 11 = 27. 59
B = 275.9