The sum of numbers a and B is 236.5. If the decimal point of number a is moved one place to the right, it is equal to number B. what are the numbers a and B?

The sum of numbers a and B is 236.5. If the decimal point of number a is moved one place to the right, it is equal to number B. what are the numbers a and B?

Number A: 236.5 ÷ (10 + 1) = 236.5 ÷ 11 = 21.5, number B: 21.5 × 10 = 215, answer: number a is 21.5, number B is 215

The sum of the two digits of a and B is 13.2. The decimal point of a moves one place to the left, which is exactly equal to the number of B. what are the numbers of a and B?

When the decimal point of number a moves one place to the left, it is exactly equal to number B. it means that number a is 10 times of number B
When B is 1, a is 10, a total of 1 + 10 = 11
1 is: 13.2 △ 11 = 1.2
B is 1.2
2 × 10 = 12

The sum of a and B is 13:2. The decimal point of a moves one place to the right

The decimal point of number a moves one place to the right, which is exactly equal to number B
So number B is 10 times of number a
A + B = a + 10 * a = 13.2
11 * a = 13.2
A = 13.2 △ 11
A = 1.2
B = 1.2 × 10 = 12
Hope to help you