One cubic decimeter cube can be divided into two parts______ A small cube of 1 cubic centimeter

One cubic decimeter cube can be divided into two parts______ A small cube of 1 cubic centimeter

The cube of 1 cubic decimeter can be divided into 10 × 10 × 10 = 1000 small cubes of 1 cubic centimeter

The volume of a cone is 4.5 cubic decimeter, the height is 4. The bottom area is () square decimeter

4.5 × 3 △ 4.5 = 3 (square decimeter)

The volume of a cone is 15.7 cubic decimeters, and its bottom area is 3.14 square decimeters

15.7 × 3 △ 3.14, = 57.1 △ 3.14, = 15 (decimeter); a: its height is 15 decimeters