Cut 1 cubic meter cube block into 1 cubic decimeter cube block. If these blocks are arranged in a row, they are () long A. 1km B. 100m C. 100m D. 1000M

Cut 1 cubic meter cube block into 1 cubic decimeter cube block. If these blocks are arranged in a row, they are () long A. 1km B. 100m C. 100m D. 1000M

1 cubic meter = 1000 cubic decimeter, so: 1000 △ 1 = 1000 (pieces), the edge length of a small cube of 1 cubic decimeter is 1 decimeter; then the total length is 1 × 1000 = 1000 (decimeter) = 100 meters

Cut 1 cubic meter cube block into 1 cubic decimeter cube block. If these blocks are arranged in a row, they are () meters long
A 1 km B 10000 m C 100 decim D 1000 decim

Simple love Xue,
1 cubic meter = 1000 cubic decimeter
It can cut 1000 cubes of 1 cubic decimeter
Then line up as 1, 1000 decimeters = 100 meters
Cut 1 cubic meter cube block into 1 cubic decimeter cube block. If these blocks are arranged in a row, the total length is (100) meters

Cut 1 cubic meter cube block into 1 cubic decimeter cube block. If these blocks are arranged in a row, they are () long
A. 1km B. 100m C. 100m D. 1000M

1 cubic meter = 1000 cubic decimeter, so: 1000 △ 1 = 1000 (pieces), the edge length of a small cube of 1 cubic decimeter is 1 decimeter; then the total length is 1 × 1000 = 1000 (decimeter) = 100 meters