Is the density kg / M & amp; amp; amp; sup3; a Si derived unit

Is the density kg / M & amp; amp; amp; sup3; a Si derived unit

Si derived unit derived unit is a unit expressed in algebraic form by basic unit. The multiplication and division in this unit symbol are expressed in mathematical symbols. For example, the SI unit of velocity is meter per second (M / s). In terms of this form of unit, it is called combined unit. Density kg / m3, which is composed of two units of mass and volume, should be

In order to prepare 60 g dilute sulfuric acid solution with 10% solute mass fraction (density of 1.84 g / cm & sup3;), 98% concentrated sulfuric acid solution (density of 1.84 g / cm & sup3;) and water ml are needed

The volume of concentrated sulfuric acid is 60 * 10% / 1.84 * * 98% = 3.33ml, the volume of water is 60 * (1-10%) / 1 = 54ml

If the density of brick is 2 × 103kg / m3 and the volume of a brick is 1.4 × 103cm3, how many bricks can a car with a loading capacity of 4T transport at most?

The mass of a brick is m = ρ v = 2 × 103kg / m3 × 1.4 × 10-3m3 = 2.8kg. A car with a loading capacity of 4T can transport 1428 pieces at most. A: a car with a loading capacity of 4T can transport 1428 pieces at most