When 1000ml salt water is collected, the weight is 1.05kg, and the known density of salt is 2.7g/cm ^ 3

When 1000ml salt water is collected, the weight is 1.05kg, and the known density of salt is 2.7g/cm ^ 3

Your title is wrong, isn't it required the quality of brine, water or salt? Isn't the quality of brine told by the title, 1.05kg
Suppose that the mass of salt is M1 and the mass of water is m2, then the volume of salt is M1 / ρ salt and the volume of water is m2 / ρ water. According to the total volume of brine is 1000ml and the total mass is 1.05kg, the equation can be listed
M1 / ρ Salt + m2 / ρ water = 0.001 m ^ 3 (total volume of brine is 1000 ml, i.e. 0.001 m3)
Taking the density of salt and water into account, the rest of the problem is to solve the equations. Two equations, two unknowns M1 and M2, can definitely be solved

How to measure the density of brine

Methods: Ρ represents the density p = m / V, so the key is to find out the mass of salt (m) under a certain volume (V). 1. Measure the mass of water (M1) with a certain volume (V) by balance and beaker. 2. Calculate the density of water (known) and M1 to get v. 3

Steps to measure the density of brine

Generally, the mass difference method is used to measure the volume and calculate the density
In the first step, put the beaker and appropriate amount of salt water in the left plate of the leveled tray balance, add and subtract weights to balance the beam, and measure the initial mass M1
In the second step, pour part of the brine in the beaker into the empty measuring cylinder, and read the volume v
The third step is to measure the mass m2 of the remaining brine and beaker with a balance
The fourth step is to calculate the mass of brine poured into the measuring cylinder M = m1-m2
The density of brine is calculated by density formula ρ = (m1-m2) / v