How to measure the density of brine

How to measure the density of brine

First prepare a beaker, a measuring cylinder, a balance, and a certain amount of salt water
1. Pour a certain amount of brine into the beaker, measure its mass, and record it as M1
2. Pour the brine into the measuring cylinder, measure the volume of brine, and record it as v
3. Put the beaker on the balance, measure its mass, and record it as m2
4. According to the density formula ρ = m / V, the density of brine can be measured by using the measurement results and ρ = m 1-m 2 / v

If you want to prepare 1000 ml brine solution with a density of 1.1 × 10 * 3; km / m * 3; and a mass fraction of 10%, how many kg of water and salt do you need?

Wrong. The mass of the solution should be 1.1kg
Need salt 1.1 * 10% = 0.11kg
Need water 1.1-0.11 = 0.99kg

2 g / cm3, 36. 5% hydrochloric acid diluted to 500 ml
Dilute 100ml of concentrated hydrochloric acid with density of 1.2g/cm3 and mass fraction of 36.5% to 500ml. (1) calculate the concentration of original hydrochloric acid. (2) the concentration of diluted hydrochloric acid. (3) take 100ml of diluted solution and react with enough NaHCO3 solution. What is the volume of CO2 under standard condition?

(1) 1000*1.2*36.5%/36.5=10mol·L-1
(2) 2mol·L-1
(3) 0.2*22.4=4.48L