Lithium is stored in paraffin. Is paraffin liquid or solid? What is the density of paraffin

Lithium is stored in paraffin. Is paraffin liquid or solid? What is the density of paraffin

Solid state, density 0.9 * 1000kg / m ^ 3

A liquid with a density of 0.8 g / cm3, 40 cm3, is mixed with another liquid with a density of 1.2 g / cm3, 20 cm3,
After mixing, the volume is 90% of the original volume. Calculate the density of the mixture!


A hollow aluminum sphere with a mass of 270g and a volume of 150cm & sup3;, if the hollow part is filled with water, what is the total mass? (the density of aluminum is 2.7g/cm&

From ρ = m / V, v = m / ρ can be used to calculate the volume of 270g aluminum: v = m aluminum / ρ aluminum = 270g / (2.7g / M & sup3;) = 100cm & sup3;; from V air = V ball-v aluminum to calculate the volume of hollow: V air = v ball-v aluminum = 150cm & sup3; - 100cm & sup3; = 50cm & sup3;; from ρ = m / V, M = ρ V to calculate the mass of water injection: m water = ρ water V water