Is the volume formula of cube V equal to the cube of a equal to 3A right or wrong

Is the volume formula of cube V equal to the cube of a equal to 3A right or wrong

The volume formula of cube V is equal to the cube of A. This is the volume formula of cube. It is correct
The volume of cube is not equal to 3a
The cube of a represents the multiplication of three a's
3a is the sum of three a's

Is the volume formula of cube edge length x edge length x edge length?

Yes, the cube of side length

A is used to represent the edge length of a cube. The formula for calculating the volume of a cube is ()?
Let a denote the edge length of a cube, and the formula for calculating the volume of a cube is (). Let 3A denote (). What does the cube of a represent?

A is used to represent the edge length of a cube. The formula for calculating the volume of a cube is (cube of a), 3a is (half of perimeter?), and the cube of a is the volume of a cube