A cylindrical wood is 2 meters long. After it is cut into four equal sections, the surface area increases by 18.84 square centimeters. What is the original volume of this log?

A cylindrical wood is 2 meters long. After it is cut into four equal sections, the surface area increases by 18.84 square centimeters. What is the original volume of this log?

2 m = 200 cm, 18.84 △ 6 × 200, = 3.14 × 200, = 628 (cubic cm); a: the original volume of this log is 628 cubic cm

Saw a 2-meter-long cylindrical timber into three sections, the surface area increased by 18 square centimeters, the volume of this cylindrical timber cubic decimeter?

2 / 3 = 2 / 3 (m) 18 / 4 = 4.5 (cm2) 4.5 cm2 = 0.00045 M2
0.00045 × 2 / 3 × 3 = 0.0009 (M3) 0.0009 m3 = 0.9 cubic decimeter
A: the volume of this cylindrical wood is 0.9 cubic decimeter

After cutting a 4-meter-long cylindrical wood into two sections, the surface area increases by 56.52 square centimeters. What is the original volume of this wood?

Bottom area = 56.52 △ 2 = 28.26 square centimeter
Original volume = 28.26x400 = 11304 cm3
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