What is the density of water______ G / cm3, read as______ Its physical meaning is______ .

What is the density of water______ G / cm3, read as______ Its physical meaning is______ .

According to the definition of density: the density of a substance per unit volume is called the density of the substance. It can be seen that the mass of 1 cm3 water is 1 g, and its density is 1 g / cm3, which means 1 g / cm3. So the answer is: 1 g / cm3; 1 g / cm3; 1 g / cm3 water, which means 1 g / cm3

The density of water is kg / m ^ 3. What is its physical meaning
The density of water is () kg / m ^ 3, its physical meaning is (), half of a bucket of water is poured out. In this process, the mass of water (), the volume of water (), and the density () (increase, decrease or remain unchanged)

The density of water is (1000) kg / m ^ 3, its physical meaning is (the mass of water per cubic meter is 1000 kg), half of a bucket of water is poured out, in this process, the mass of water is (reduced), the volume of water is (reduced), and the density is (unchanged)

The density is______ The density of a solid copper block is 8.9 × 103 kg / m3, and its physical meaning is______ If you cut it into two pieces of the same size, what is the density of each piece______  kg/m3.

Density is the characteristic of matter, the density of copper is 8.9 × 103kg / m3, the physical meaning is: the mass of copper with volume of 1m3 is 8.9 × 103kg; cut it into two pieces of the same size, the density of each piece remains unchanged, it is still 8.9 × 103kg / m3