How many jin is 1000 ML? It's two kilos, right?

How many jin is 1000 ML? It's two kilos, right?

Milliliter is volume unit, Jin is mass unit. You can't convert it into water. If it is water, its weight is about 2 jin

1200 cubic centimeter - 0.4 cubic decimeter = how many milliliters?

1200 = 1.2 cubic decimeter 1.2-0.4 = 0.8 0.8 = 800

0.08 m3 = () l = () ml 2.7 m3 = () l 1200 ml = () CC 4.25 m3 = () L
1.2 m3 = () l = () ml

0.08 m3 = (80) l = (80000) ml
2.7 m3 = (2700) l
1200 ml = (1200) CC
25 m3 = (4250) L
1.2 m3 = (1200) l = (1200000) ml

4.05 liter = () ml 0.7 square meter = () square decimeter 0.5 cubic decimeter = () cubic centimeter 1200 ml = () liter fast now

4.05 L = (4050) ml
0.7 square meters = (70) square decimeters
0.5 cubic decimeter = (500) cubic centimeter
1200 ml = (1.2) l

45.3 hours=______ Hours______ Points

The integral part is 3 hours, 0.45 × 60 = 27 (minutes); 3.45 hours = 3 hours 27 minutes

How many hours is 20 minutes?


120 points of the test paper, test 108 points, in the 100 points of the test paper, how many points

You can get 100 * (108 / 120) = 90

For a test paper with a total score of 100 points, 60 points or above is qualified; according to this calculation, when the total score is 120 points, how many points or above are qualified?

72 points

I would like to ask the full score of 100 points, 60 points pass the exam, 130 points is a pass? How to calculate!

78 points, accounting for 60% of the total score

There are 10 questions in an examination paper. The score of each question behind is 2 points higher than that of the previous one. If the full score of this paper is 100, what is the score of the eighth question?

The sum of the scores of the fifth and sixth questions: 2 × 100 △ 10 = 20 (points); the score of the fifth question is: (20-2) △ 2, = 18 △ 2, = 9 (points); the score of the sixth question is: 20-9 = 11 (points); the score of the eighth question is: 11 + 2 + 2 = 15 (points); a: the score of the eighth question should be 15