How to calculate the mathematical formula?

How to calculate the mathematical formula?

According to the title listed formula for calculation, the order of calculation is: brackets, first calculate the brackets, then calculate multiplication and division, and then calculate addition and subtraction

1. What is the sum of 2 / 5 and 1 / 3 of a number?
2. 3 / 5 of a number plus 3 / 4 of this number is less than 15. What is this number?
3. What is the quotient of the sum of 3 / 4 and its reciprocal divided by the product of 7 / 9 and 4 / 5?
4. 80% of a number is 12 more than 2 / 3 of the number. What is the number? (equation)
5. What's the difference between increasing it by 20% and subtracting 2.5?
You don't have to calculate. If you have one tonight,

① To see this kind of problem, we should first set the unknowns as X
② The title seems to be wrong
④ Let the unknown be X
⑤ Let the unknown be X
After that, it's better to check it
Answer: ① 5 / 3

. formula calculation
What is the product of 1.4 minus one fourth of the difference multiplied by three fifths?
2. What is the sum of two-thirds and three-quarters of a number?
3. One third and one half is 50% more than 1.5 times of X?
What is the sum of the product of 4.3.4 and 20% plus the product of one and a fifth and 20%?

3.()=[(1.5x)*(1+50%)] x=14/9
Note: one third and one half cannot be typed, so I use 7 / 2
One and a fifth can't be typed, so I use 6 / 5