If a faucet drips 2 drops per second, try to design an experiment to calculate the water loss in one day and night

If a faucet drips 2 drops per second, try to design an experiment to calculate the water loss in one day and night

1. Add the measuring cup for 10 minutes to see if there is n ml or weigh n G
2. By calculation, n * 6 * 24 / 1000 will get m kg of water for one day and night

A dripping tap drips 12 kilograms of water every day. According to this calculation, how many kilograms of water will be wasted in the first quarter of 2013?

90 times 12

The tap drips every second
How many milliliters of water will be dropped in a day? (the volume of 20 drops is 1 milliliter)
How many square meters a year? (accurate to 0.01)

4320 ml per day
1.5768 per year
=1.58 M3
As for how many square meters, I'm sorry, but I'm not very good at it