The solar eclipse and the lunar eclipse are on the day of the lunar calendar

The solar eclipse and the lunar eclipse are on the day of the lunar calendar

The solar eclipse is on the first day of the lunar calendar. The sun, the earth and the moon are in a straight line. The moon is between the earth and the sun. If you look at the sun from the earth, it may be covered by the moon
The lunar eclipse is on the 15th day of the lunar calendar. The sun, the earth and the moon are also in a straight line. The earth is between the moon and the sun. If you look at the moon from the earth, it may be covered by the earth itself

Solar and lunar eclipses usually occur in the early days of the lunar calendar

The time of solar eclipse is usually on the first day of every month in our lunar calendar, while the lunar eclipse is on the fifteenth day of every month

Why do eclipses always occur around the 15th day of the lunar calendar

Lunar eclipse is a special astronomical phenomenon. When the moon moves to the shadow part of the earth, the area between the moon and the earth will be covered by the sun, and the moon will be missing. That is to say, at this time, the sun, the earth and the moon are just (or almost) in the same straight line