What's right about the moon phase A. The phase of the moon changes because the shape of the moon is changing B. The phase change of the moon is caused by the regular movement of the moon C. Due to the relative position of the sun, the earth and the moon changing constantly, the phase of the moon changes constantly D. If the moon could light itself, there would be no phase change Brothers and sisters

What's right about the moon phase A. The phase of the moon changes because the shape of the moon is changing B. The phase change of the moon is caused by the regular movement of the moon C. Due to the relative position of the sun, the earth and the moon changing constantly, the phase of the moon changes constantly D. If the moon could light itself, there would be no phase change Brothers and sisters

The change of moon phase is the change of moon shape observed on earth

Lunar phase refers to
A. The undulation of the lunar surface B. the activity of the interior of the moon C. the various shapes of the moon D. the change of the position of the moon


The periodic change of lunar phase?

First half moon; new moon -- Emei moon (seen from the right) -- first quarter moon (bright from the right) -- convex Moon -- full moon
The second half of the moon; the full moon convex moon lower quarter moon (visible on the left) - waning moon (bright on the left) - New Moon
At 19:00 on the third day of the first lunar month, it is located in the western sky, which is the Emei moon. Since then, it becomes higher and higher. At 19:00 on the seventh lunar month, it is at the zenith position, and at 19:00 on the fifteenth lunar month, it just rises from the East. By analogy, the rise time of the moon is 50 minutes later than that of the previous day