How are lunar and solar eclipses formed Send it in the form of a speech Okay, 50 points

How are lunar and solar eclipses formed Send it in the form of a speech Okay, 50 points

Solar and lunar eclipses
When the moon comes to the sunny side of the earth and its shadow sweeps over the area, people can see that the sun is covered by the moon wheel, which is called solar eclipse. When the moon goes around to the side of the earth away from the sun, it happens to be hidden in the earth's umbra. At this time, from the earth's point of view, the full moon loses its brilliance in the sky, which is called lunar eclipse, In the lunar sky, we can see an eclipse of the sun. When there is an eclipse on the earth, there is a little darkness on the bright "territory" in the lunar night sky, which can be called "Lingdi"
There are three types of solar eclipses: total solar eclipse, partial solar eclipse and annular solar eclipse. The total solar eclipse and annular solar eclipse are also called central solar eclipse. At the same time, central solar eclipse and partial solar eclipse occur in different regions of the earth. Before and after the central solar eclipse in the same region, there must be partial solar eclipse. The beginning and end stages of solar eclipse are annular solar eclipse, while the middle stage is total solar eclipse, as shown in the figure below, Such an eclipse is called a total annular eclipse
Eclipses can be divided into total and partial eclipses. There is no annular eclipse. Before and after a total eclipse, there must be a partial eclipse. No matter whether a total or partial eclipse occurs, similar eclipses can be seen all over the world. When the moon enters the earth's penumbra, there is no "eclipse", because the penumbra can get part of the sun's brightness, it still lights up the whole moon, but the brightness becomes slightly dark, As for why there is no annular eclipse, the reason is that the cross section of the earth's penumbra is much larger than that of the moon's wheel
The total solar eclipse can be divided into three stages: partial eclipse, total eclipse and partial eclipse. The three stages are divided into four phases: first deficiency, second eclipse, light generation and reunion. In the process of a total solar eclipse, the moment when the center of the moon ring is closest to the center of the sun ring or the cross section of the earth's umbra is called Shishen, The eclipses in different places are different, but in the same eclipse, as long as the whole process can be seen, the eclipses in different places are the same
The total conditions of eclipses are as follows: ① new moon condition: solar eclipse must occur in new moon, and lunar eclipse must occur in the future. ② intersection condition: solar eclipse occurs in new moon, and lunar eclipse occurs in the future. However, solar eclipse may not occur in new moon, and lunar eclipse may not occur in the future. The condition of solar eclipse is that the sun and the moon coincide at or near the intersection of yellow and white; the condition of lunar eclipse is that the sun and the moon collide at or near the intersection of yellow and white
As far as the world is concerned, there are more eclipses than eclipses. However, for one place, the number of eclipses is much more than eclipses. Because eclipses occur in a wide area (all parts of the globe can be seen in the middle of the night), while eclipses occur only in narrow areas on the earth. According to statistics, for a specific place, total eclipses occur once in three or four years on average, but only once in hundreds of years on average

How do solar and lunar eclipses form

It is caused by the revolution of the earth, the moon and the sun
If the earth is between the sun and the moon, there will be an eclipse;
If the moon is right between the earth and the sun, there will be an eclipse

What is the formation of solar and lunar eclipses?

People want principles. Answer: Peter_ When the moon revolves around the earth, the sun, the moon and the earth are just in the same straight line. When the moon comes to the middle of the sun and the earth, the shadow of the moon covers part of the earth, so it's easy to see the sun in the shadow area