The difference between pure resistance circuit and non pure resistance circuit depends on the formula Better have a picture

The difference between pure resistance circuit and non pure resistance circuit depends on the formula Better have a picture

Pure resistance circuit refers to the circuit only electrical energy and internal energy conversion, such as: resistance, small bulb
Non pure resistance circuit refers to the conversion of other energy besides electric energy and internal energy, such as motor and electric fan
If there is no special instruction, the circuit learned in junior high school is pure resistance circuit
W = uit P = UI I = u / R q = I ^ 2rt for any circuit
W = u ^ 2 / RT w = I ^ 2rt P = I ^ 2R P = u ^ 2R is only applicable to pure resistance circuit
The formula is incomplete. I only remember that,

What are the formulas for the calculation of non pure resistance circuit?
It seems that all formulas of pure resistance circuit are common, right? What are the non pure resistance circuits? How to remember them?

P=UI ,Q=I²Rt
It seems that as long as I = u / R is not, and its derived formula is not, such as R = u / I P = u & sup2 / / R

The formula of Joule's law q = I ^ 2rt, why not q = uit? Why q = I ^ 2rt can be used in all circuits, q = uit can only be used in pure resistance circuits
I know that in the non pure resistance circuit, electric energy is not only converted into heat energy, but also into other forms of energy, but can you give me a specific explanation. Yes, what's the matter with other forms of energy? Why can't we use q = uit instead of q = I ^ 2rt? Who can go deep into the reason?

For example, if the electric fan is calculated by q = uit and I ^ 2rt, the result will be very different. Specifically, the UI is much larger than I ^ 2R. Why? Because the motor is an inductive device, when it works, it will produce an induced electromotive force, that is, it is equivalent to a "generator", but the electricity generated is just "inside the obstruction"

Why Joule's law is also used in Ohm's law and q = uit, but it can still be used in all kinds of pure or impure resistance circuits!

There is no conflict between the two. The discovery of Joule's law comes from experiment, and the proof comes from Ohm's law. The proof of Ohm's law comes from the microscopic explanation of electromagnetism. Joule's law says one thing, resistance will heat, and the heat energy is proportional to the square of current multiplied by resistance. As long as there is a non pure resistance element in a circuit, this

How to calculate Joule's law?


Application scope of Joule's law

The mathematical expression of Joule's Law: q = I ^ 2rt, the derived formulas are q = uitand q = u ^ 2 / R × T. the former formula is generally applicable, and the derived formula is applicable to pure resistance circuit. Q = I ^ 2rt, I will make it an accurate formula. Why do you say that? Because this formula can calculate the calorific value in any case

If * is a new algorithm, a * b = ab-b, then the value of X in 2 * x = x * (- 5) is?


In Excel, when A2 is greater than A1, B2 = a2-a1, when A2 is less than A1, B2 = A2 + A1, column B, column C, column D... Are calculated by the same method. How to operate?
In a word, it is the calculation between the data in the upper and lower grids, and the calculation results are written on the right side of the lower grid

B2 formula = if (A2 > A1, a2-a1, A2 + A1)

When a > B: a * b = ABA + B; when a < B: a * b = a − bab, calculate the value of [2 * (- 3)] * 10

According to the meaning of the title, 2 * (- 3) = 2 × (− 3) 2 + (− 3) = 6, [2 * (- 3)] * 10 = 6 * 10 = 6 − 106 × 10 = − 115

Compare with a new operation, such as a = 3 × 4-4

According to the algorithm given in the question: (- 3) ★ 4 = (- 3) × 4 - (- 3) - 4 + 1 = - 12, 2 ★ (- 5) = 2 × (- 5) - 2 - (- 5) + 1 = - 6, ∵ - 12 < 0, - 6 < 0, | - 12 >| - 6 |, | - 12 < - 6, that is (- 3) ★ 4 < 2} (- 5)