How many seconds are there in a day? How many seconds are there in 365 days of a year? (expressed by scientific counting method)

How many seconds are there in a day? How many seconds are there in 365 days of a year? (expressed by scientific counting method)

How many seconds are there in a day? 24 × 60 × 60 = 86400 seconds = 8.64 × 10 quartic power
How many seconds are there in 365 days of a year? 8.64 × 365 × 10 quartic power = 3.1536 × 10 seventh power

What is the calculation formula of inductance?

There is a complicated empirical formula, which is very complicated. Generally, it is tested by inductance tester
Inductance calculation formula coil formula
Impedance (Ohm) = 2 * 3.14159 * f (working frequency) * inductance (MH),
360ohm impedance is required for setting
Inductance (MH) = impedance (Ohm) / (2 * 3.14159) / (f (working frequency) = 360 ^ (2 * 3.14159) / (7.06) = 8.116mh
The number of coils can be calculated
Number of turns = [inductance * {(18 * turn diameter (inch)) + (40 * turn length (inch))}] / turn diameter (inch)
Number of turns = [8.116 * {(18 * 2.047) + (40 * 3.74)}] △ 2.047 = 19 turns
Calculation formula of hollow inductance
Calculation formula of hollow inductance: l (MH) = (0.08d.d.n.n) / (3D + 9W + 10h)
D ------ coil diameter
N ------ number of coil turns
D --- wire diameter
H --- coil height
W --- coil width
Mm and MH, respectively
Calculation formula of inductance of air core coil:
Coil inductance unit: Micro Heng
Coil diameter D unit: cm
Coil turns n unit: turns
Coil length L unit: cm
The calculation formula of frequency inductance and capacitance is as follows:
Working frequency: F0 unit: MHz F0 = 125kHz = 0.125
Resonant capacitance: C unit: pf C = 500... 1000pf can be determined by oneself or by Q value
Resonant inductance: l unit: Micro Heng
Calculation formula of coil inductance
1. For circular core, the following formula can be used: (iron)
L = N2. Al l = inductance (H)
H-dc = 0.4 π Ni / L n = coil turns (turns)
Al = induction coefficient
H-dc = DC magnetization force I = through current (a)
L = length of magnetic circuit (CM)
The value of L and Al can refer to microl table
For example, with t50-52 material and five and a half coils, its L value is t50-52 (which means od is 0.5 inch), and its al value is about 33nh
When the current is 10a, its L value can be changed from L = 3.74 (look up the table)
H-dc = 0.4 π Ni / L = 0.4 × 3.14 × 5.5 × 10 / 3.74 = 18.47 (after looking up the table)
Then we can know the decrease degree of L value (μ I%)
2. Introduce an empirical formula
μ 0 is the vacuum permeability = 4 π * 10 (- 7). (the negative seventh power of 10)
μ s is the relative permeability of the inner core of the coil, μ s = 1 for the hollow coil
N2 is the square of the number of coils
Cross sectional area of s-coil, in square meters
L the length of the coil, in meters
The K factor depends on the ratio of the radius (R) to the length (L) of the coil
The unit of inductance calculated is Henry
K-value table
2R/l k
0.1 0.96
0.2 0.92
0.3 0.88
0.4 0.85
0.6 0.79
0.8 0.74
1.0 0.69
1.5 0.6
2.0 0.52
3.0 0.43
4.0 0.37
5.0 0.32
10 0.2

Calculation formula of inductance and capacitance
Calculation formula of current voltage impedance frequency of capacitance and inductance!
For example: Ohm's Law: resistance R current I voltage U
If you know the capacitive reactance, can you use Ohm's law to calculate the voltage and current?

If the capacitive reactance is expressed by Xc, the capacitance by C (f), and the frequency by F (Hz), then XC = 1 / 2 π FC, the unit of capacitive reactance is Ω

The simple calculation method of net profit includes the simple calculation formula of sales cost

Net profit = sales revenue - cost of sales + other business revenue - other business cost - administrative expense - sales expense - Financial Expense - asset impairment loss - income tax expense

The formula for calculating profit is: Profit = sales revenue - cost of sales. Xiao Zhang uses this formula to calculate the profit of his store on a certain day, which is - 20 yuan
What do you mean by - 20 yuan profit?

I lost 20 yuan. I didn't pay as much for the goods I sold that day as I did for the goods I bought. I lost 20 yuan

In the market economy, the Maori formula is: gross profit = cost of sales - cost. Xiao Liang uses this formula to calculate the profit of his father's store on a certain day
What is the meaning of 25 yuan gross profit?

Loss of 25 yuan
The buying price is higher than the selling price

According to 25% of the profit to earn 300 yuan, my total sales is how much, find the formula

Profit = sales * profit margin
Sales = 300 / 0.25 = 1200

How to seek profit, and simple formula

Profit refers to the operating results of an enterprise in a certain accounting period. It generally includes operating profit, non operating income and non operating expenditure
Basic calculation
Operating profit = operating income - operating cost - business tax and surcharges - sales expenses - management expenses - financial expenses - asset impairment loss + profit and loss from changes in fair value (- loss from changes in fair value) + investment income (- investment loss). [2]
Operating revenue: refers to the total revenue recognized by an enterprise's business operations, including the main business revenue and other business revenue
Operating cost: refers to the total actual cost of business, including main business cost and other business cost
Asset impairment loss: the loss caused by the provision for asset impairment
Gains (or losses) from changes in fair value: gains (or losses) from changes in fair value such as trading financial assets that should be included in current profits and losses
Investment income (or loss): the income (or loss) obtained by an enterprise from foreign investment in various ways
Total profit = operating profit + non operating income - non operating expenditure
Non - Business Income: profits that are not directly related to the daily business activities of an enterprise
Non - operating expenses: losses that are not directly related to the daily business activities of an enterprise
Net profit = total profit income tax expense
Income tax expense: the income tax and expense recognized by an enterprise and calculated and paid to the local government tax authority in a certain proportion from the total profits of the current period

What do the last four digits of the ID card mean?
What does it mean?

The first 1 and 2 digits indicate the code of the province, the third and fourth digits indicate the code of the city, the fifth and sixth digits indicate the code of the district and county, the seventh to fourteenth digits indicate the year, month and day of birth, and the fifteenth and sixteenth digits indicate the code of the local police station

What are the four people behind the ID card?
Please answer in detail!

The 18 digit ID card standard is clearly stipulated in the national quality and Technical Supervision Bureau's national identity number (gb11643-1999), which was implemented on July 1, 1999. The national identity number (gb11643-1999) is the revised version of social security number (gb11643-1989). It is pointed out that the original standard name "social security number" should be changed to "citizen identity number", In addition, GB 11643-1999 "citizen's identity number" replaces GB 11643-1989 from the date of implementation. The main contents of GB 11643-1999 "citizen's identity number" are as follows: 1, Second, the coding object of the citizenship number of the coding object is a citizen with the nationality of the people's Republic of China. Third, the structure and representation of the number. First, the structure of the number. The citizenship number is a feature combination code, It is composed of 17 digit body code and one digit check code ID card verifier. The sequence from left to right is: six digit address code, eight digit date of birth code, three digit sequence code and one digit check code. 2. Address code refers to the administrative division code of the county (city, banner, district) where the coding object's permanent residence is located, which is implemented according to the provisions of GB / t2260. 3. Date of birth code 4. Sequence code refers to the sequence number of people born in the same year, month and day within the area marked by the same address code. The odd number of sequence code is assigned to male and the even number to female
In other words, the last four represent men or women!
The total number of Shengfu bell is as follows:
The first two digits are province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the central government. 3.4 and 5.6 indicate the city and county. The seventh to fourteenth digits indicate the date of birth. The fifteenth to sixteenth digits indicate the code of the local police station. The seventeenth digit indicates the gender. Generally, the male is represented by odd number and the female by even number. The eighteenth digit indicates the check code and some personal information code, Generally, it is generated randomly with the computer to check the correctness of ID card. Sometimes it is also represented by X, but it is not necessarily single for men and double for women