That's the price=*** Profit=*** Profit margin=**** There are also people who save money

That's the price=*** Profit=*** Profit margin=**** There are also people who save money

Price = price * discount / 10 = cost price * (1 + profit margin)
Profit = selling price - cost price = cost price * profit margin
Profit rate = profit / cost price * 100% = selling price - cost price / cost price * 100%

Who has the answer to the golden key 1 + 1 final goal test paper
Who's got it? I've got more points

Brother, it's good to do it yourself and listen to the teacher's comments. Don't try to copy the answers

Landscape composition in my eyes, 700 words

The space for expansion is very wide. The scenery can be expressed in the real life. The complex society and the international changes are the scenery in your eyes. The key lies in how you look at the reality. In fact, you can draw a few boxes below and write the password on the back. Please input the password and check it! Ha ha

The most beautiful scenery or scenery in my eyes
Want excellent! Oneself write!
What topics are easy to write and special? I want to write something special that can make the teacher's eyes shine. Just help me think of a topic and add some good sentences. It's better to let me choose more. I don't need examples to give more special topics, good words, good sentences, inspiration and main contents

Scenery in my eyes (1)
What is the scenery? The fresh elegance of green mountains, beautiful waters and colorful clouds chasing the moon, or the desolate loneliness of the long river setting sun and lonely smoke? Or the instant fraternity of the vast sea of people in the world?
The praise of parents has never been interrupted in the five thousand years of the Chinese nation. From the moment we were born, our parents' love surrounded us closely. We opened our mouths and stretched out our hands. We praised our parents, but in fact, what did we repay our parents for? Out of school, the day's tension and fatigue collapsed on us, Who took the schoolbag on our shoulders? We were caught unprepared by the complexity and disorder of our lessons. Who quietly put milk on the desk? The joy and joy of success completely eliminated the hardships and tiredness. Who quietly reminded us not to be proud beside us? So there are always parents waiting for their children with a smile on the street corner of the school roadside
My confusion, my grief at separation and joy in Union. My cold heart, my loneliness. A good friend, a close word, but at least several windows opened. In the youth, my friend's pear smile is like asking me. But "people have joys and sorrows, but the moon is full of shadows." friendship is now difficult. Our fairy tale games, our noise, do not concentrate a little bit, and extract the essence. We "don't know the palace in the sky, what's the year of this evening". Is it the moment when we wave our hands separately? So when we see three or two friends walking side by side on the street, we warn ourselves to seize the fleeting years and remember the growing friendship
What's the term of a stranger? When we pass by others on the road, will we be alert to see if we have been stolen? Since then, our sense of defense has been growing day by day? Since then, the light of distrust in our eyes will always exist? How can we explain the unity of our minds in that terrible disaster? At that moment, we take off our guard; at that moment, we take off our guard, We put on trust; at that moment, we construct a beautiful realm. Unfamiliar face, not unfamiliar heart; unfamiliar tone, not unfamiliar care. At that moment, the brilliance and fraternity of human nature are framed into the eternal memorial album. So we often see people passing by looking back, unfamiliar face, familiar smile
Still intoxicated with the fresh elegance of green mountains, beautiful waters, colorful clouds and chasing the moon, still immersed in the desolate loneliness of the long river, sunset, desert and lonely smoke
"The big string is as loud as rain, the small string is as clear as whisper", music is the scenery in Bai Juyi's eyes; "on the cool seven strings, listen to the pines and the cold." music is the scenery in Liu Changqing's eyes; "Wu Si Shu Tong, Zhang gaoqiu, the empty mountain condenses clouds and does not flow." music is also the scenery in Li He's eyes. I am also intoxicated in the ocean of music, and wonderful music is the scenery in my eyes
The sound of the zither is slightly cold, and a song "three ways of plum blossom" sends us into the ice and snow. With a quiet heart of respect, we can enjoy the plum blossom blooming alone. The plum blossom is pure and pure in frost and snow, not afraid of the strong ice, ignoring the north wind whistling, blooming her courage, her unyielding, her noble Plucking the string, the Qin sound is simple and echo, like the sound of plum blossom opening, light and melodious, in harmony with ice and snow. According to the sound, it is dignified, combined with the filling of wipe and pick, and the light and flexible of overtone, just like the drop of frost, the plum blossom. The Qin sound is tiny, and the plum blossom finds a bosom friend, with a long artistic conception
The scene of beautiful music, without any plot rendering, shakes everyone by herself. Love of butterflies is like water, flowing and sad, which has moved us for ten years. The opening of flute and flute brings us to the place where the myth happened. She narrates in a soft voice, and the tone goes down. She tells of her helplessness in love. She wants to fly in pairs, but she has lost her wings, In the eyes of a thousand people, there are a thousand songs of "Butterfly Love". Some people think that "Butterfly Love" is "don't be infatuated with tears, only complain for a long time without pity", Some people think that she is "looking forward to your memory for thousands of years", some people think that she represents "love to heaven, no regret" What is the end and significance of butterfly love? Nobody knows, butterfly love is just a touch of gold melancholy in my heart
A song of "fishing boat singing at night" is full of gliding sound, and the setting sun goes down to the west, and the lake surface becomes quiet gradually; a song of "Zizhu tune" is bright and lively in Jiangnan Water Town; a song of "Er Quan Ying Yue" is sparkling with water, and the worry of erhu is even more serious; a song of "ambush on all sides" is to sort out the disordered state of mind in the noisy battlefield, and to find the wisdom and pride in the bottom of my heart. All these are the beauty of music, The scenery in my eyes. The scenery in my eyes is the gorgeous chords of the piano, the changing fingers of the pipa, the slow blowing of the flute and the flexible sound of the flute; the scenery in my eyes is the simple overtones and pressing notes of the guqin, the blowing and shaking fingers of the Zheng, and the scenery in my eyes is
Music is the eternal scenery in my eyes
The most beautiful scenery (1)
Thousands of years ago, you saw the scenery on the road, thousands of years later, we saw you in the poem, so you became a beautiful scenery in the eyes of future generations. You will be the top of the mountain and see all the mountains
&#When you are 20 years old, you come to Mount Tai, Dongyue, full of ambition, ready to see it. The green color of Mount Tai makes you see it from afar. The birds returning to the mountain in the evening make you feel pain. The height of Mount Tai makes you in a strange world, bright or dark. You can't help but want to climb this mountain and experience the lofty realm of "seeing all the mountains at a glance", That's also your political ideal! Your greatest lyric has become the scenery we are pursuing on our way of life. The moon is not a branch that frightens magpies, and the breeze is a cicada in the middle of the night;
After a leisurely dinner, you take a walk on the road with a special life interest. The moon is shining, which startles the Magpies on the trees and flies away singing songs. A breeze blows, and you listen to the chirping of cicadas. With the fragrance of rice flowers, you hear the chirping of frogs, which seems to tell you the joy of harvest. There are seven or eight stars in the sky. It's raining in front of the mountain. What a pleasant life! Turn around the bridge, You can see the old Maodian. It's fresh and refreshing, without any impurity. That kind of comfortable smile, the leisure and tranquility of being independent from the world, is not a beautiful scenery? The withered vine, the old tree, the crow, the bridge, the flowing water, the family;
Sad dusk, sunset. Lonely sad clear, but a withered vine, an old tree, a crow, a small bridge, under the bridge flowing water, far away there are several families, quiet deep, let you can't help but think of their hometown, the wife is getting older and older, the mother's body is getting weaker and weaker, the child is getting bigger and bigger, all the hometown, all affect your heart, you become a heartbroken person, In the distant horizon, I miss my hometown in my memory, and my eyes are full of sadness
Your eternal sadness and desolation are also the scenery in the eyes of posterity. It turns out that there are three kinds of human feelings: sadness, free and easy, or the carefree and tranquil, which is neither flattering nor insulting, but it will be the most beautiful scenery on the road of life
Scenery in my eyes
"Life is like a journey. You don't have to care about the destination, what you care about is the scenery along the way and the mood of seeing the scenery..." This is my favorite advertisement - because it is short, but contains a deep philosophy
Scenery is everywhere, because it is integrated into our life. In my eyes, the scenery does not need to be elegant or magnificent. It can be simple and kind. In my eyes, sunny day is a kind of scenery, and rainy day is also a kind of scenery. In sunny day, we can bathe in the sun, close to the embrace of nature; in rainy day, we can sit in the window and look at the scenery outside the window, Let my mind fly thousands of miles away, let my heart wash away melancholy, leave happiness, wash away dust, leave purity. The scenery in my eyes is not so magnificent, nor need to be famous at home and abroad. It can be fresh and natural. In my eyes, a small grass is enough to make me happy. I can greedily absorb the faint grass fragrance in the air and walk in the shallow grass, I like the feeling that the legs of my trousers are wet with dew. Although I can't taste the grass like a cow, I can have a good sleep on the grass and let nature relax in my dream. In my eyes, a delicate orchid is better than those famous mountains and rivers. Buddha said, "one flower, one world, one leaf, one Bodhi." I can smell the faint fragrance of flowers and listen to the sound of flowers blooming and falling, Heart to feel everything, I want to share with orchids the joy of bloom, feel the magnificent flower; I want to fold a, dedicated to my beloved, dedicated to my mother, let them share with me the joy of discovering the scenery
In my eyes, the scenery is not romantic, nor is it tender like water. There is no moving plot of sadness, nor is it calm. In my eyes, the scenery is "the gentleman is calm, the villain is sad", it is "out of the mud but not dyed, wash the green lotus but not demon", it is "I want to know you, the mountain has no edge, the heaven and earth are united, The scenery in my eyes is the persistence of Kuafu, Jingwei and Yugong, the wisdom of Newton and Einstein, the blood boiling and blood gushing of the Trojan and Roman wars I am a person who is good at discovering scenery. I can be happy, happy, happy and sad for the scenery I find. The scenery can be different, but the peace of mind is the same. The scenery in my eyes is always so beautiful and colorful The scenery in my eyes is just like the expression of a song - "you are the dazzling moment, the flame across the horizon, I come to love you, I am desperate to extinguish, I will never come back..."
(2) Scenery in my eyes
In the eyes of painters, the scenery is picturesque everywhere; in the eyes of poets, the scenery is picturesque; in the pen of writers, the scenery will turn into soul stirring stories. Even in the eyes of ordinary people, everyone has different scenery. Life is full of scenery
Everyone's growth environment is different, living environment is different, even for the same landscape, in the eyes of different people also have different vision and perception. With a positive attitude to watch, you can find the original