Primary school mathematics quantity relations (I want all! Super detailed!) fast~~

Primary school mathematics quantity relations (I want all! Super detailed!) fast~~

Principal * interest rate = unit price of interest * quantity = total price * work efficiency * time = total amount of work single output * quantity = total output per copy * copies = total speed = time * distance principal * interest rate * time = interest the main quantity relations in tree planting problem are: interval number × meters of each interval = meters in total; wood sawing problem

What is the meaning of quantitative relation in mathematical language

Quantity relation is the relation between two or more numbers (or expressions)
Such as size, multiple, opposite number, etc

For a pile of steel pipes, one is placed in the bottom layer. For each upper layer, one more steel pipe is placed. For the top layer, 99 steel pipes are placed. Can you find out the total number of steel pipes in this pile?

Hdx519519 - rookie level 4:
Where is this pile of steel pipes? How?
A: it can be placed in the "V" groove on the ground
It can also be placed on a "V" frame
Quantity calculation is very common

What are the words to describe people's appearance?
Four words

The beauty of beauty, beauty, beauty, beauty, beauty, beauty, beauty, beauty, beauty, beauty, beauty, beauty, beauty, beauty, beauty, beauty, beauty, beauty, beauty, beauty, beauty, beauty Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful and beautiful

Words to describe people's appearance and temperament

Gentle and elegant

Words to describe a girl's appearance

It is as beautiful as a fairy, as beautiful as a nation, as beautiful as nature, as beautiful as beauty, as graceful as orchid, as bright as eyes and teeth, as gentle as human, as delicate as flowers, as soft as jade, as gorgeous as peach and plum

Words to describe a person's appearance
Something like this: the water is smart

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful

English words of animals and adjectives describing animals
For example: panda, dolphin, tiger, lion, etc
Cleaver, pretty, big, etc

Cute cute cute funny smart cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute
Elephant cat cat dog monkey monkey horse horse zebra sheep goat ape chimpanzee bird eagle shark shark

Words for animals
Lion? Cow? Tiger?

Horse, tiger, lion, dog, ox, dragon, wolf, sheep, pigeon and cicada

Words for lovely animals
I'm in a hurry! Whoever answers right first will be given points!
The more, the better

What kind of animal does it describe? The modification of animals is different from adjectives. They are fluffy. Small and exquisite. Chubby. Cute and lovely. They are flexible, chubby, lazy, fluffy, gentle, windy, voracious and sleepy, hissing with their heads raised, powerful, bouncing, fast horse whip, old horse know the way, tall and strong, rocking