56 pieces of moon cakes are packed in boxes, and each box contains the same amount. How many packing methods are there? How many boxes do you need for each packing method? If there are 17 pieces?

56 pieces of moon cakes are packed in boxes, and each box contains the same amount. How many packing methods are there? How many boxes do you need for each packing method? If there are 17 pieces?

There are 8 packing methods, which need 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 14, 28 and 56 boxes respectively. There are only two packing methods for 17 pieces, one in one box and the other in one box

0.85 ha = () m2?

0.85 ha = (8500) m2

A product is 240 yuan, which is 4 / 5 of the original price. How much is the reduction

240/(4/5)=300 300-240=60