The circumference of the bottom surface of a cylinder is 12.56 meters, and the height is 5 meters. The surface area of the cylinder is [] square meters, and the volume is {cubic meters

The circumference of the bottom surface of a cylinder is 12.56 meters, and the height is 5 meters. The surface area of the cylinder is [] square meters, and the volume is {cubic meters

The circumference of the bottom surface of a cylinder is 12.56 meters, the height is 5 meters, the surface area of the cylinder is [87.92] square meters, and the volume is {62.8] cubic meters

Cut a cylinder with a bottom area of 12.56 square centimeters and a height of 6 centimeters into the largest cone with a volume of ()

The cone with the largest volume is the one with the same base and height as the cylinder
The cone volume = pi * r * r * H / 3 = s * H / 3 = 25.12

The height of a cylinder and a cone is equal. The volume ratio of the cylinder and the cone is 6:1. The bottom area of the cone is 12.56 square centimeters. What is the bottom area of the cylinder
square centimetre?

If it is the same base and height, it should be 3:1, now it is 6:1, then the area of the cylinder bottom should be twice that of the cone bottom, which is 25.12