The following statement is wrong () A. 0 multiplied by any number will get 0b. 0 divided by any number will get 0C. Any number multiplied by 1 or divided by 1 will get the original number

The following statement is wrong () A. 0 multiplied by any number will get 0b. 0 divided by any number will get 0C. Any number multiplied by 1 or divided by 1 will get the original number

A. It is correct to say that 0 multiplied by any number will get 0; B and 0 divided by any number will get 0, because divisor cannot be 0, it should be changed to: 0 divided by a non-zero number, the number is 0; C, any number multiplied by 1 or divided by 1 will get the original number, the statement is correct; so choose: B

Given that 3 / 3 x equals 4 / 4 y equals 5 / 5 m is not equal to 0, find the value of X + Y - m x + y + M


The 2m + 1 power of (M + 3) x + 4x-5 x is not equal to 0. Find the value of M

It should be
Y = (M + 3) x ^ 2m + 1 + 4x-5 is a linear function
If x is a function of degree, then x is of degree 1
There's 4x in the back
So x ^ (2m + 1) is once or zero
So 2m + 1 = 1 or 2m + 1 = 0