A parallelogram and a triangle have the same area. The bottom of the parallelogram is twice the bottom of the triangle. The height of the triangle is 6 decimeters. What is the height of the parallelogram?

A parallelogram and a triangle have the same area. The bottom of the parallelogram is twice the bottom of the triangle. The height of the triangle is 6 decimeters. What is the height of the parallelogram?

The height of the parallelogram is 1.5 decimeters, the process: set the height of the parallelogram as X decimeters, and then set the bottom of the triangle is 1, the bottom of the parallelogram is 2, calculate their area respectively, write the equation, OK, finished!

Put one grain of wheat on the first grid, two grains on the second grid and four grains on the third grid on the chessboard. After that, each grid will double the previous one until the 64 grids are full. Please use a simple algorithm to estimate the weight of wheat in the last grid

The (n-1) power of 2 is one wheat

There is a batch of fruit, which is divided equally among three people, and there is one left. A takes his share and divides it into three parts for a (himself), B and C, and there is one left. C man and his twice shared fruit are also divided into three parts, and finally there is one left. How many fruits are there in all?

C gets a multiple of 3 + 1 for the first time, and the sum of C's two scores is also a multiple of 3 + 1, indicating that C gets a multiple of 3 for the second time
If each person gets one more multiple of 9 for the first time, the total number is four more than the multiple of 27. Therefore, there are at least 27 + 4 = 31 fruits in this batch,