Divide 1 meter into 10 parts on average, 3 parts are fraction of it, 3 parts are () decimeter

Divide 1 meter into 10 parts on average, 3 parts are fraction of it, 3 parts are () decimeter

3 decimeters

How many square meters is 0.7 cm? How many square decimeters is 80 square decimeters? How many square decimeters is 4080 square centimeters
How many square meters is 0.7 cm?
80 square decimeters is equal to 80 square decimeters
How many square decimeters is 4080 square centimeter equal to?
The area of a triangle is 14 square decimeters, the height is two decimeters, how many decimeters is it?
A parallelogram has an area of 56 square centimeters and a base of 7 centimeters. How many centimeters is its height and how many square centimeters is the area of a triangle with the same height as its base?

0.7 cm is equal to 7000 square meters
4080 square centimeter equals 40.8 square decimeter equals 0.408 square meter
A triangle has an area of 14 square decimeters and a height of two decimeters is 14 decimeters
The area of a parallelogram is 56 square centimeters, the bottom is 7 centimeters, its height is 8 centimeters, and the area of a triangle equal to its bottom and height is 28 square centimeters

How many square centimeters is 80 cm

80 cm is only a length, so it's impossible to say how many square centimetres it is. Square centimeter is a unit of area, usually we need to multiply length by width to get data