04 × 10 quartic power, accurate to the thousandth position______ , yes______ A significant number. Brother and sister help, I don't understand

04 × 10 quartic power, accurate to the thousandth position______ , yes______ A significant number. Brother and sister help, I don't understand

The fourth power of 3.04 × 10 is about 3.0 × 10 ^ 4, which has two significant numbers

If a B ∈ n, f (a + b) = f (a) * f (b), then f (2) / F (1) + F (3) / F (2) +. F (2005) / F (2004)

f(2)/f(1)+f(3)/f(2)+.f(2005)/f(2004)=f(1+1)/f(1)+f(2+1)/f(2)+.f(2004+1)/f(2004)= f(1)*f(1)/f(1)+f(2)*f(1)/f(2)+.f(2004)*f(1)/f(2004)=f(1)+f(1)+.+f(1)=2004*f(1)...

Let f (n) = 1 + 2 + 3 +.. + 3N, then f (2005) - f (2004) =?

=[1+2+3+..+3(2005) ]- [1+2+3+..+3(2004) ]