The maglev train can travel () km per hour. The earth travels () km per second around the sun

The maglev train can travel () km per hour. The earth travels () km per second around the sun

The maximum speed of Shanghai maglev train is 431km / h
The earth travels 30 km / s around the sun

The earth travels about 30 kilometers per second around the sun, and the moon travels about 8 kilometers per second around the earth. How many kilometers more does the earth travel around the sun than the moon does?
Grade 3 of primary school (Volume 5)
The answer, the calculation, (30-8 = 22), right?

30-8 = 22 km

The speed of light is about 3 x 10 ^ 5 kilometers per second, and the time required for sunlight to reach the earth is 5 x 10 ^ 2 seconds

Solution: (3 * 10 ^ 5) * (5 * 10 ^ 2)
=1.5 * 10 ^ 8 (km)
A: the distance between the earth and the sun is (1.5 * 10 ^ 8) km

Write an ancient poem with peach blossom, lotus, chrysanthemum and plum blossom
The requirements are as follows:
1. It must be a quatrain
2. Even if not the whole poem, there must be a complete description of the flower

First of all, you should know that quatrains are not ancient poems. Ancient poems are also ancient style poems. They refer to poems written without rhyme before Tang Dynasty
Secondly, quatrains are very difficult to write, because they must rhyme and rhyme with Tang rhyme. Tang rhyme has 306 rhymes, which is not what we read today

Poems about lotus, chrysanthemum, plum blossom, peach blossom, West Lake and Wanghu tower

Lotus: small lotus just show sharp angle, have dragonfly to stand up early
Chrysanthemum: under the East fence, you can see Nanshan leisurely
Plum blossom: from sharpening, the fragrance of plum blossom comes from bitter cold
Peach blossom: Bamboo peach blossom three two, spring river water warm duck prophet
West Lake: if you want to compare West Lake with West Lake, it's always appropriate to wear heavy makeup
I can't imagine

What are the characteristics of peach blossom, lotus flower, chrysanthemum and plum blossom (quality spirit)
It is mainly the quality spirit represented by its characteristics

Peach blossom, love
Lotus, out of mud but not dyed
Chrysanthemum, gentleman, Hermit
Plum blossom, strong and proud

What era is the 21st century? When did it start? Did it start in 2000?

The year 2000 is the first year of the 21st century, because a century is a hundred years
The year 2001 is the first year of the 21st century

What is the 21st century
Use idioms

The information age is changing with each passing day, which can determine the future of mankind

How many years does the age refer to? What is the age of the 21st century?

=For example, 1980-1989 is called the 1980s, 2010-2019 is called the 21st century, and the 10th century is not a decade. Of course, we can't say that the 21st century is more than a generation

Is 2000 the beginning of the 21st century?

No! 2001, to be exact!
Because the first year of A.D. is 1 year, not 0 year!