Scientific counting method of 1500.3

Scientific counting method of 1500.3


-How can 38 million be expressed by scientific counting


What needs to be determined by scientific counting?

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Nine numbers 123456789 are divided into three three three digit numbers and added together to get 1998


If a two digit number is equal to the square of its one digit number and the one digit number is 3 greater than the ten digit number, then the two digit number is ()
A. 25B. 36C. 25 or 36d. - 25 or - 36

Let X be the single digit of the two digit number, then the ten digit number should be x-3. From the meaning of the question, we can get 10 (x-3) + x = X2, and the solution is X1 = 5, X2 = 6. Then the two digit number should be 25 or 36

A two digit number is equal to the square of the number in its digits. The number in each digit is three times larger than the number in ten digits. Find these two numbers

If the number of one digit is x, then the number of ten digits is x-3
So there is 10 * (x-3) + x = x ^ 2
The solution of the equation is x = 5 or 6
This number is 25 or 36

What is the 25 square of 3 multiplied by 36 square of 9 multiplied by 99 square of 2?

The power mantissa of 3 circulates according to 3,9,7,1, so the 25th power mantissa of 3 is 3
The power mantissa of 9 circulates according to 9,1, so the 36th power mantissa of 9 is 1
The power mantissa of 2 circulates according to 2,4,8,6, so the power mantissa of 2 to the 99th power is 8
So 25 square of 3 times 36 square of 9 times 99 square of 2 is 3 * 1 * 8 = mantissa 4 of 24

If a = 123456789 is known, the value of X + y is ()
A. 3B. 7C. 13D. 15

The calculation shows that the one digit number is 1 and the ten digit number is 2, so x + y = 1 + 2 = 3

If an is used to represent the number of n square, A1 is the number of 1, A2 is the number of 2 square, a = 4, A3 is the square of 3
Number, a = 9, a1 + A2 + &; + a2013 = ()

The value accumulated from A1 to A10 is equal to the value accumulated from a11 to A20, which is also equal to the value accumulated from A21 to A30. This is the rule. Using this rule, the value added from A1 to a2013 should be equal to 201 values added from A1 to A10, plus the value of A1 + A2 + a3, the answer should be 45 * 201 + 14 = 9059

If a = 123456789 is known, the value of X + y is ()
A. 3B. 7C. 13D. 15

The calculation shows that the one digit number is 1 and the ten digit number is 2, so x + y = 1 + 2 = 3