The average distance between the earth and the sun is about 149.5 million kilometers, which is rewritten as about () million kilometers in 10000 units, accurate to about () million kilometers in percentile

The average distance between the earth and the sun is about 149.5 million kilometers, which is rewritten as about () million kilometers in 10000 units, accurate to about () million kilometers in percentile

The average distance between the earth and the sun is about 149.5 million kilometers, which is rewritten as about (149.5) million kilometers in ten thousand units, and the accurate percentile is about (149.5) million kilometers

The diameter of the moon is about several thousand meters, the volume and mass of the moon are about the same as those of the earth, and the average distance between the moon and the earth is about kilometers?
We'll wait. Hope to see 3Q

The diameter of the moon is about [3476.2] km (equatorial diameter, polar diameter is 3472.0 km), the volume of the moon is about [1 / 64] of the earth, the mass is about [1 / 81] of the earth, and the average distance between the moon and the earth is about [384400] km

The average distance between the earth and the moon is 384400km = () 000km, and the reserved integer is () 000km

The average distance between the earth and the moon is: 384400km = (384400km), and the reserved integer is (380000km)

How many numbers have an absolute value of minus five

The absolute value is a number greater than or equal to 0
So no, no number has an absolute value of - 5

The number 1 greater than the absolute value of minus 1.5 is ()


Find the absolute value of a number that is three fifths smaller than minus two fifths


If we know two numbers 3 and negative 5, the absolute value of the two numbers is, the sum of the absolute values of the two numbers is

The absolute values of these two numbers are + 3, + 5
The sum of absolute values is 8

Given that two numbers are 3 and - 5, what is the absolute value of the sum of these two numbers and what is the absolute value of the sum of these two numbers

The sum of these two numbers = 2 + (- 5) = - 2
Absolute value of sum = 2
Sum of absolute values of two numbers = / 3 / + / - 5 / = 3 + 5 = 8

If a number is 2 greater than - 5, the absolute value of the number is 3
Right or wrong

If a number is greater than - 5 by 2
Then x - (- 5) = 2
So the absolute value of X is 3

What is the absolute value of the number - (- 5) = ()