1. The accuracy of 1369725000 to one million bits is_______________________ (expressed by scientific counting) 1. It's right to put 1369725000 to millions______ (in scientific notation), the significant number is______ . 2. The edge length of a cube is 2 × 102 mm, and its surface area is____ Square meters. What's its volume____ cubic metre. 3. There are two 3 cm and 4 cm long wooden sticks. If the third stick is selected to form a triangle, the third stick's third range is___ . 4. A line segment is an axisymmetric figure, and its axis of symmetry is______ .

1. The accuracy of 1369725000 to one million bits is_______________________ (expressed by scientific counting) 1. It's right to put 1369725000 to millions______ (in scientific notation), the significant number is______ . 2. The edge length of a cube is 2 × 102 mm, and its surface area is____ Square meters. What's its volume____ cubic metre. 3. There are two 3 cm and 4 cm long wooden sticks. If the third stick is selected to form a triangle, the third stick's third range is___ . 4. A line segment is an axisymmetric figure, and its axis of symmetry is______ .

4. The middle perpendicular of the line segment

At the end of 2003, RMB savings amounted to 11 trillion yuan?

That is, 1.1 times 10 to the 13th power
Scientific counting method, that is, a number greater than 1 and less than 10 times the XX power of 10

1.18 billion scientific counting

1180 million = 1180 million

1104 million in scientific counting

1.104 * 10 12th power

How many hundred million kilometers is 108.21 million kilometers

108.21 million km

36185.4 million yuan = () billion yuan, about () billion yuan, 48908 million km = () billion km, about () billion km

36185.4 million yuan = (36.185.4) billion yuan, about equal to (36.2) billion yuan
48908 million km = (48.908) billion km, about equal to (48.9) billion km

How many billion kilometers is 1936420000 kilometers

1936420000 km = 1.936442 billion km

How many nanometers is a millimeter


How many decimeters is one nanometer

One nanometer is equal to one billionth of a meter in length. 10 ^ - 9, 10 is minus nine square meters

How many nanometers is one meter

1 nm is 10-9 M
So 1 meter is equal to 10 to the 9th nanometer, and it is equal to 1000000000 nanometer