Which library has the most books in the world To be specific, such as: country, city

Which library has the most books in the world To be specific, such as: country, city

The library of Congress (United States), located in Washington, D.C., is one of the four official national libraries in the United States and one of the most important libraries in the world, According to the latest introduction of the library of Congress website, there are 130 million collections, including 29 million books, 01.2 billion photos and 58 million manuscripts

What is "46.74 billion yuan" in scientific notation?

46.74 billion yuan = 4674 × 10 ^ 2 billion yuan = 4674 × 10 ^ 8 yuan

What is it to round 139500 to the nearest number and keep three significant numbers


Use the rounding method to take the approximate number of 100955, and keep two significant numbers___ It is necessary to keep four significant numbers______


According to the rounding rule, take the approximate number of 3.1415926 with two significant digits, and the result is?


The approximate number of 89655 after retaining three significant numbers is

From the first non-zero digit on the left of a number to the last digit, all numbers are significant digits of the number
So 89655 with three significant digits is 8.97 times 10 ^ 3

Round 29990 to keep 3 significant numbers, which are expressed as ()
A. 2.99×104B. 2.90×104C. 3.00×104D. 3×104

29990 = 2.999 × 104 ≈ 3.00 × 104

0.000958 rounded to retain a significant number, expressed as 0.000958 by scientific counting method
Problems in the second semester of grade seven


Scientific counting and significant numbers
74800 keep 3 significant numbers as; should the final result be written in the form of scientific counting
Please give the result


511540000 expressed by scientific counting method as (3 significant digits reserved)

The eighth power of 5.12 × 10