How many thousandths are there in 0.86

How many thousandths are there in 0.86

There are 860 thousandths in 0.86
I wish you progress in your study, good, please adopt it in time

What's one thousandth of 0.9


23 to one thousandth of his

Is it 0.0000529:)

On a map of China with a scale of 1:6000000, what are the distances from Beijing to Taipei and Urumqi to Shanghai? Actually?

I'm a liberal arts major. The actual straight-line distance between Beijing and Taipei is 1696 kilometers, that is, 1696 kilometers = 1696000 meters = 169600000 centimeters. The scale is 1:6000000, which means that 1 cm on the map is the actual 6000000 cm, and 169600000 cm is divided by 6000000 = 28.26 cm

On a map with a scale of 1:6000000, a distance of 1cm represents the actual distance______ Km. That is, the distance on the map is the actual distance______ The actual distance is the distance on the graph______ Times. Expressed in line scale as______ .

(1) 6000000cm = 60km, 1 ÷ 6000000 = 1600000006 million / 1 = 6000000 times; (2) because the distance of 1cm on the map represents the actual distance of 60km, it is represented by line segment scale as follows:; therefore, the answer is: 60160000006000000

The distance between Beijing and Tianjin is 120 kilometers. It is drawn on a map with a scale of 1:6000000. What is the distance on the map?
Please think about it before 8:30 pm!

120 km = 12000000 cm
The distance on the graph should be
12000000 × 1 / 6000000 = 2 (CM)

On a map with a scale of 1:300000, the distance between a and B is 6 cm. How many kilometers is the actual distance between a and B?

Actual distance = 6 × 300000 △ 100 △ 1000 = 18 km;
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I wish you progress in your study

On a map with a scale of 1:300000, the distance between a and B is 6 cm. If the actual distance is drawn on a map with a scale of 1:200000, how many cm should it be drawn?

6 × 300000 = 1800000 (CM) 1800000 △ 2000000 = 0.9 (CM)

On a map with a scale of 1:300000, the distance between a and B is 12cm. If the scale of 1:500000 is used instead, the distance between a and B is 12cm,
How many centimeters should the distance between a and B be drawn-

The actual distance between a and B is 12 △ 1 / 300000 = 3600000 cm
Use the scale of 1:500000, the length of the painting is: 3600000 * 1 / 500000 = 7.2cm

On a map with a scale of 1:300000, one centimeter on the map represents the actual distance. Please tell me how to calculate it, please
And if it's like 1:30000, 1:3000, 1:300, 1:30, what are these

The actual distance is 1 / 300000 = 300000 cm = 3 km
To find the actual distance is to divide the distance on the map by the scale, and also to multiply the actual distance by the denominator of the scale