For a batch of finished products, 100 pieces are selected according to the repeated sampling method, and 4 pieces are rejected. When the probability is 95.45%, whether the rejection rate does not exceed 6%

For a batch of finished products, 100 pieces are selected according to the repeated sampling method, and 4 pieces are rejected. When the probability is 95.45%, whether the rejection rate does not exceed 6%

The scrap rate is no more than 6%
Scrap rate = scrap number / total production = 4 / 100 * 100% = 4%

Suppose that the reject rate of a product is 0.005, 1000 pieces are selected from this batch of products, and the probability that the reject rate is not greater than 0.007 is obtained

Take 1000 pieces from this batch of products, and the scrap rate is no more than 0.007
This shows the number of waste products in the 1000 pieces

From the 100000 pieces of products with a rejection rate of 0.001, 500 pieces are randomly selected at a time to calculate the probability that the rejection rate does not exceed 0.01,

Let X be a random variable and obey the hypergeometric distribution of n = 100000, N1 = 100 and N = 500. Because n is smaller than N, it can be approximated by binomial distribution B (500,0.001). In binomial distribution B (500,0.001), n = 500 is larger and P = 0.001 is very small, so the binomial distribution can be approximated by Poisson distribution, and its distribution parameter λ = NP = 0.5
The scrap rate is not more than 0.01, that is, the probability of X ≤ 5

How many kilometers is the distance between the earth and the moon?
In order to measure the distance between the earth and the moon, people use a laser transmitter to send a laser signal to the moon. After 2.7 seconds, they receive the laser signal from the moon. From this, we can calculate how many kilometers is the distance between the earth and the moon?

First of all, we need to know the V (speed) of the laser signal, then 2.7s divided by 2 (round trip is 2.7, then one-way is 1.35), and then simply V (speed) * t (time) = s (distance)
I hope I can help you
2.7s × 300000000m / s △ 2 = 405000km

The reserves of coal on the earth are more than 15 trillion tons (expressed in scientific notation)

It's the 13th power of 1.5 * 10

The reserves of coal on the earth are estimated to be 1.5 billion tons, expressed in scientific notation as______ .

1.5 × 109

The surface area of the earth is about 510 million square kilometers... The earth is about 150 million kilometers away from the sun

Express the following numbers by scientific notation
The earth's surface area is about 510 million square kilometers: the eighth power of 5.1 × 10
The earth is about 150 million kilometers away from the sun: 1.5 × 10 to the eighth power

How many kilometers does the earth travel around the sun per second?

The speed of the earth's revolution
The earth's revolution is a periodic circular motion, so the earth's revolution speed includes angular velocity and linear velocity. If we use the stellar year as the earth's revolution cycle, then the average angular velocity of the earth's revolution is 360 ° every year, that is, after 365.2564 days, the earth's revolution is 360 ° every day, that is, about 0.986 ° every day, The total length of the earth's orbit is 94 million kilometers. Therefore, the average linear speed of the earth's revolution is 940 million kilometers per year, that is, after 365.2564 days, the earth's revolution has reached 940 million kilometers, that is, 29.7 kilometers per second, about 30 kilometers per second

How many kilometers per second does the earth go around the sun

To be exact, it is 29.79km/s under the condition of 2 decimal places precision

How many kilometers does the earth travel around the sun per second

The earth is the third planet, and its average distance from the sun is 149.6 million km, which is called an astronomical unit (a). The earth's orbit is elliptical, with a long radius of 149597870 km, an eccentricity of 0.0167, and an average velocity of 29.79 km / s