In scientific notation, the following numbers are 235 000 188 520 000 701 000 000 000 - 38 000 000 000

In scientific notation, the following numbers are 235 000 188 520 000 701 000 000 000 - 38 000 000 000

It can be made into a doggerel by using homophonic pronunciation to change individual numbers into Chinese characters, which is easy to memorize

Express the following numbers in scientific notation 24 2000 456 000 346

(3) 456000 = the fifth power of 4.56 × 10

Please answer three difficult questions (scientific notation)
1. The propagation speed of electromagnetic wave is about 300000 kilometers per second. What is the broadcasting distance in one hour? (using scientific counting method)
2. The earth is about 150 million kilometers away from the sun. How to express it in scientific notation? If you know that the distance of light per second is 3 * 10 of the eighth power meter, can you calculate how long it takes for the sun to reach the earth?
3. If a = 35000 is known and expressed as the fourth power of a = 3.5 * 10 by scientific notation, will you use scientific notation to express the second power of a?

1) 3.0 * 10 ^ 5 * 3600 = 1.08e9 km (km)
2) 1.5e8 km (km), 1.5e8 * 1000 / 3e8 = 500 s (s)
3) A^2 = 3.5*10^4*3.5*10^4 = 1.225E9