The Forbidden City in Beijing is the largest palace in the world. Its width is 750m, which is 7 / 32 of its length. How long is it

The Forbidden City in Beijing is the largest palace in the world. Its width is 750m, which is 7 / 32 of its length. How long is it

Let its length be x meters
A: the length is 960 meters
If the formula does:
750 / (1-7 / 32) = 750 / 25 / 32 = 960m

The Palace Museum in Beijing covers about 72 hectares, 8 hectares less than that of Tiananmen Square. How many hectares does Tiananmen Square cover?

Suppose Tiananmen Square covers an area of about X hectares, 2x-8 = 72, 2x = 80, x = 40. A: Tiananmen Square covers an area of about 40 hectares

The summer palace in Beijing covers an area of 290 hectares, of which the land area is about 13% of the water area?