A person's heart rate is 75 / min, 80 ml of blood is delivered per beat, and his blood pressure (which can be regarded as the average pressure of blood delivered by the heart) is 15000 PA ① The average power of this person's heart beating ② How high does this person's heart work in a day equal to lifting a one ton object? Our teacher said that this problem should be constantly publicized and deformed. If I change to power P = pressure PSV, I won't be able to do so. It's troublesome for experts to give advice,

A person's heart rate is 75 / min, 80 ml of blood is delivered per beat, and his blood pressure (which can be regarded as the average pressure of blood delivered by the heart) is 15000 PA ① The average power of this person's heart beating ② How high does this person's heart work in a day equal to lifting a one ton object? Our teacher said that this problem should be constantly publicized and deformed. If I change to power P = pressure PSV, I won't be able to do so. It's troublesome for experts to give advice,

1) Let the cross-sectional area of the blood vessel be s, and the volume of blood delivered by the heart each time be v
If P = f / s, f = PS = 15000pa × s, v = sh (where h is the s volume in w = FS, which is the base times height)
V = 80ml = 0.00008 m3 s = H = V / S = 0.00008/s
W = FS = 150000pa × s × 0.00008 / S = 150000pa × 0.00008 m3 = 1.2J
Because the heart rate is 75 / min, 75 beats per 60 seconds, w = 1.2J × 75 = 90J, t = 60s
(2)t=24h=86400s w=pt=1.5w×86400s=129600J m=1t=1000kg F=G=mg=9800N
W = FS s = w / F = 129600j / 9800n = 13.2m

What factors can affect the pumping of the heart?
Thank you first
What are the specific factors? Tears run. What are the factors?

To understand the pumping function of the heart, we need to make clear the following three problems: 1. How is the unidirectional flow of blood in the heart realized? 2. How does the heart inject blood into the artery when the pressure in the artery is relatively high? 3. How does the venous blood with very low pressure return to the heart? Taking the left ventricle as an example, this paper illustrates the ejection and filling of the ventricle

Xiao Wang goes to the hospital to check his heart: the heart pumps 70 cubic centimeters of blood each time, the pressure of the heart is 120mmhg, the diameter of the blood vessel is 2.4cm, and the heart beats 75 times per minute