Three natural numbers ABC, a is a multiple of B, B is a multiple of C, then the greatest common factor of these three numbers is (), and the least common multiple is ()

Three natural numbers ABC, a is a multiple of B, B is a multiple of C, then the greatest common factor of these three numbers is (), and the least common multiple is ()

The greatest common factor of these three numbers is (c), and the least common multiple is (a)

a. B and C are three non-zero natural numbers. In a = B × C, the statement that can be tenable is ()
A. B and C are coprime numbers. B and C are prime factors of A. C. B and C are divisors of A. D. B must be a multiple of A

According to the relationship between factor and multiple, because a = B × C, a is the multiple of B and C, and B and C are the divisor (factor) of a; therefore, C

Natural numbers a, B and C, and a is greater than B and greater than C. please arrange the four numbers in descending order: 5 / A, 6 / C, 5 / B and 5 / C


There are three natural numbers a, B, C, the greatest common factor of a and B is 2; the greatest common factor of B and C is 4; the greatest common factor of a and C is 6. The greatest common factor of a, B, C
What is the greatest common factor of a, B, C?

a. The greatest common factor of B, C is 2
The greatest common factor of a and B is 2
The greatest common factor of B and C is 42 * 2
The greatest common factor of C and a is 62 * 3
So, the greatest common factor of a, B, C is 2

There are three natural numbers a, B and C, a * b = 6, a * C = 14 and B * C = 21. How many are a, B and C?
One more question
Divide the six numbers 3,5,6,14,55,77 into two groups to make the product of each group equal

Let me answer the second question

If there are three natural numbers a, B and C, a × B = 6, B × C = 15 and a × C = 10, then a × B × C=______ .

The answer is: a = 5 × 3, so B = 5 × 3, so a = 5 × 3, so B = 5 × 3

English translation
The word "drenched" and "drenched" begins with "H", which doesn't seem to be formal

The word "H" starts with "humid". It's wet. It's an adjective. It's a little different from what you mean,
Wet through
Get wet

English translation
Days before,the finance ministry promised the biggest single contribution—a $60 billion slug to a $430 billion increase in IMF funding which is largely aimed at alleviating concerns about the euro crisis.
In response to the IMF's call a few days ago to expand its funding by $430 billion to ease tensions caused by the euro crisis, the finance department promised to inject $60 billion
What does this slug mean

. a piece of metal used to charge coins to start a slot machine

English translation
They allege that Mr Sanea abused their trust,concealing his borrowings from them and forging documents bearing the signature of Sulaiman al-Gosaibi,one of the founders of the group.
They accused Sania of abusing their trust, concealing loans from them and forging documents signed by Sulaiman al gosaibi, one of the group's founders
I don't understand the bearing in bearing the signature

Bear here means carry, load, bearing is the present participle as the attribute of documents, which means "with...", is a document with XXX signature

English translation
I used a throw rug to the stain on the carpet.

Throw rug means a rug, or a mat
The meaning of this sentence, I guess, may be that there are stains, marks and other things on the carpet, which are covered by a small cushion or blanket