What's the English word for number 17

What's the English word for number 17

the seventeenth

If an angle equals 63 ° 29 ', then its complementary angle equals (), its complementary angle equals (), and its complementary angle and complementary angle equals ()


Dongdong originally planned to ride from home to the museum at the speed of 12 kilometers per hour, so that he could arrive at the specified time. However, because he was temporarily delayed for 20 minutes, he had to go at the speed of 15 kilometers per hour. As a result, he just arrived at the specified time. Can you find out how many hours it would take to get to the museum? What is the distance from home to the museum?

Suppose it takes x hours to get to the museum to work out the original plan
12 * 5 / 3 = 20 km

I will do it. I hope I can help you!
1. In an opaque bag, there are four small balls with exactly the same color except for one white ball, one yellow ball and two red balls. What's the probability of touching a red ball twice______ .
2. Party A and Party B each roll a regular six sided die at the same time, and the probability that the sum of points facing up is 9 is 0________ .

1. For the first time, because there are four balls, two of them are red balls, the probability of touching the red ball for the first time is two out of four, that is one out of two
The problem is to touch the red ball twice. That is to say, the first red ball has been touched. Now there are three balls and one red ball in it. The probability of this time is one-third, that is, when the first one-half is successful, there is another one-third probability. So it is 1 / 2 * 1 / 3 = 1 / 6
2. When two people play dice, all the combinations are six and six, that is 36. When the sum is 9, we can think of a combination of a 5 B 4 a 6 B 3 a 4 B 5 a 3 B 6, that is a total of four, so the probability is 4 / 36, that is 1 / 6
Students this is a general process of thinking, probability learning is derived from life, for life, to think more to practice. It is not difficult to learn

The quadratic power of 100 - the quadratic power of 99 + the quadratic power of 98 - the quadratic power of 97 +. + the quadratic power of 4 - the quadratic power of 3 + the quadratic power of 2 - 1 =?

The quadratic power of 100 - the quadratic power of 99 + the quadratic power of 98 - the quadratic power of 97 +. + the quadratic power of 4 - the quadratic power of 3 + the quadratic power of 2 - 1=

Urgent, today!
What is the sum of the two square roots of a positive number m? What is the product of the two square roots?

The two square roots of M are (negative root sign m) and (root sign m)
So sum is 0
The product is - M

Junior one math problem, urgent ah, please. Master to ah@@
A. B, C and o are the four points on the number axis, which represent the numbers - 4, - 1,3 and 0 respectively
(1) Find the length of OA, ob, OC
(2) Draw the midpoint P of BC and find the number represented by point P
(3) Find the length of AB and AP
No picture. I'll help you to answer it. Thank you very much

In this way, you can first draw a number axis and mark the four points on the number axis A, B, C and O and the numbers they represent - 4, - 1,3 and 0,
1. The length of OA from 0 to - 4 is 4, the length of OB from 0 to - 1 is 1, and the length of OC from 0 to 3 is 3
2. The midpoint of BC is the midpoint of the length from - 1 to 3, which means that the number should be 1
3. The length of AB is the length between - 4 and - 1, that is, minus - 4 by - 1 is 3. The length of AP is the distance between - 4 and 1, that is, minus - 4 by 1 is 5

Three different regular polygons are used to form a plane mosaic pattern. The number of sides is m, N and P respectively. At the same vertex, the sum of the inner angles of the regular polygon is 360 ° and there is only one polygon at each vertex. What conditions should m, N and P satisfy?

The inner angles of three regular polygons are: 180 (m-2) / m, 180 (n-2) / N, 180 (P-2) / P. because the sum of the inner angles is: 360, there are: 180 (m-2) / M + 180 (n-2) / N + 180 (P-2) / P = 360 (m-2) / M + (n-2) / N + (P-2) / P = 21-2 / M + 1-2 / N + 1-2 / P = 22 / M + 2 / N + 2 / P = 1

1. A, B and C represent three numbers respectively. If AB < 0, C / b > 0 and ABC > 0, try to judge the sign of a, B and C
2. The average temperature of a place from January 1 to 8 is - 10 ℃, the average temperature from January 9 to 21 is - 11.5 ℃, and the average temperature from January 22 to 31 is - 12.9 ℃?
3. Calculation: (2008 / 1-1) × (2007 / 1-1) × (2006 / 1-1) × ×(3/1-1)×(2/1-1).
4. If a > 0, B < 0, simplify | ab | + B | a | = ()
5. The sum of all integers greater than - 2007 and not greater than 2007 is () and the product is ()
6. Calculation: (15 / 14) × (- 99) + 99
Calculation: (19 16 / 15) × (- 14)
If 7.3a is negative, then ()
A.a>0 B.a<0 C.a≥0 D.a≤0
Big brother, big sister
Thank You

1.a>0 b

1. If P = A2 + 3AB + B2, q = a2-3ab + B2, then what is the result of P - [q-2p - (- P-Q)] reducing couple?
2. If the polynomial 3x ^ m - (n-1) x + 1 is a quadratic binomial of X, try to find the value of M, n

1、∵P=a²+3ab+b²,Q=a²-3ab+b².∴P-[Q-2P-(-P-Q)]=2P-2Q=12ab 2、m=2,n=1