English is English. (15 19:48:27) I can go shopping and no one knows me; I   can  ________      ________ and________     _________   me. What else would you like to drink? ________     _________     ___________ drink  _________ you   like? What do you think of the film? ___________       ____________      __________      _______     __________ the  film? We can eat in the restaurant, but not in the classroom We   can   eat  in  the    ______   _________ ,_________    we    __________   eat  in  the  classroom. I have to go to bed at ten I ________     __________    __________   in  _________    by   ten  o'clock.        

English is English. (15 19:48:27) I can go shopping and no one knows me; I   can  ________      ________ and________     _________   me. What else would you like to drink? ________     _________     ___________ drink  _________ you   like? What do you think of the film? ___________       ____________      __________      _______     __________ the  film? We can eat in the restaurant, but not in the classroom We   can   eat  in  the    ______   _________ ,_________    we    __________   eat  in  the  classroom. I have to go to bed at ten I ________     __________    __________   in  _________    by   ten  o'clock.        

1.I can ( go ) ( shopping) and ( nobody) ( knows) me.
2.( What) ( kind ) ( of) drink ( would) you like?
3.( What ) ( do ) ( you) ( think) ( of) the film?
4.We can eat in the ( dinning ) ( hall),( but) we ( can't) eat in the classrooom.
5.I ( have ) ( to ) (stay ) in ( bed ) by ten o'clock.

English (28 19:44:40)
i'll  put  up  our  family  photo  on  my  bedroom   w__________ .
john's  parents  live  in  a  big  house w_______    a  nice  and   beautiful  garden.

The photo is on the wall of the bedroom
Live in a big house with a beautiful garden

English translation
Sometimes swimming may mean the difference between life and death

Sometimes swimming means separation between life and death.

English translation
Two Nobel prizes are awarded to the same person, which is only twice in history

Twice,the Nobel prize was given to the same man,but this only occured twice in history.
It is the same person that received nobel prize two times that twice happened in history.

English translation
Rather than spread control along hundreds or even though and of local, regional, and national agents that watch variable aspects of water use, countries should set up central authorities to coordinate water policy?

The main components of the sentence are: [more than leading adverbial] + countries (subject) + (should) set up (predicate) + central authorities (object) + to (object complement)

17 translated into English


Translation of five minutes to spare

Five minutes to spare to answer the telephone
Listen to the phone
To read the morning paper
Read the morning paper
To talk with a neighbor
Talk to the neighbors
To dispute with the laundryman about a mistake
Argue with the laundryman about a mistake
To watch new furniture being unloaded next door
Take a look at the new furniture thrown away next door
To chat with a salesman
Talk to the salesman
To read a trivial letter
Reading a trivial letter
Or to write one
Or write a letter
To say a prayer for the suffering friend
Pray for the suffering friends
To stop and think of Gods daily gift of mercy
Stop and think about God's gift
To remember the cross
To remember the cross
To make an act of faith ,hope, and love
Do something full of faith, hope and love
To whisper an “Our Father” or “Hail Mary” for someone in need
Pray silently to those in need
To say a decade of the Rosary for the pour souls
Read the rosary many times for those frustrated souls
To visit the little statue or picture on the mantle place and tell the Savior
how much you love Him
Look at the statuettes or photos on the mantelpiece and tell the Savior how much you love him
To make a spiritual communion
Have an exchange of ideas
Which is the better way to spend five minutes?
Which is a better five minute pastime
Collect and share

What's the difference between English in 5 minutes and after 5 minutes?
What's the difference between in 5 minutes and after 5 minutes in English?

In 5 minutes
1、 He'll come to see you in 5 minutes
2、 Yes, I finished my work in 5 minutes
After 5 minutes refers to the concept of the past, after 5 minutes of a certain time in the past
For example: at first he said he would do it at once, but after 5 minutes, he went out and forced what he had said

It's five minutes since the English class began
It's five minutes since the English class began.But your English teacher,Miss Lee hasn't appeard.Make a guess at the reason with must,could,might or can't.
It's about sixty or seventy words. Come on,

It was five minutes since the English class began.Every student was sitting straight in the classroom.But our English teacher,Miss Lee hadn't appeard yet.Some students are talking about the reason.Jack ,our monitor,say“Class, Miss Lee had never been late before.Something unexpected must have happened to her.”“She can be ill.Said Tom.“It can't be.If she were ill,she would ring up the school.”“Might she forget the class?”The whole class were guessing when suddenly the door opened and in came Mr.Zhang ,the headmaster.“Dear students,I'm sorry to tell you that Miss Li can't give the lesson today.We were informed just now that she was badly injured by a car on the way to school and now is in the *** Hospital...”The headmaster had just finished his words when all students rushed to the hopital.

Seventeen years old

seventeen years old