Please rank 5 out of 17, 12 out of 19, 15 out of 23, 20 out of 37 and 60 out of 101 in descending order

Please rank 5 out of 17, 12 out of 19, 15 out of 23, 20 out of 37 and 60 out of 101 in descending order

Arrange 10 out of 17, 12 out of 19, 15 out of 23 and 60 out of 101 in descending order
10 of 17 < 60 of 101 < 12 of 19 < 15 of 23

Numerical reasoning: - 4 / 9,10 / 9,4 / 3,7 / 9,1 / 9,
When the denominator is changed to 9, it should be - 4, 10, 12, 7,

Change the original formula to: - 4 / 9,10 / 9,12 / 9,7 / 9,1 / 9 (1 / 9)
All denominators are 9, molecule - 4,10,12,7,1 (1)
The latter minus the former 14,2, - 5 - 6 (0)
After minus before - 12, - 7, - 1 (6)
The latter minus the former 5,6 (7)

Digital reasoning 3 / 4 7 / 4 9 ()

The numerator is the arithmetic sequence and the denominator is the proportional sequence. The unknown term is 10 divided by 1 / 2 = 20

Numerical reasoning () () () 23.29. (). 37.41 ()

1. The first number multiplied by 2 to the power of 0 equals the second number,
The second number multiplied by 2 to the power of 1 equals the third number,
The third number multiplied by 2 to the second power equals the fourth number,
The fourth number multiplied by 2 to the third power equals the fifth number,
The third power of 24 * 2 = 192
2. Odd sequence 1,3,9, (27) is an equal ratio sequence with common ratio 3
Even series 1,4,7 are arithmetic series with tolerance 3
4. 23, 29, (31), 37 and 41 are prime numbers
The number of digits of the previous number minus ten is equal to the number of digits of the next number,
Subtracting ten from the hundred of the previous number is equal to the ten of the next number,
The hundredths of the previous number plus ten are equal to the hundredths of the next number
This is a bit far fetched

What is number reasoning (17,23,37,57,)

It should be 91
Reason: 17 + 23 = 37 + 3
That is: each number is the sum of the first two numbers plus 3

Numerical reasoning 3,5 / 2,7 / 2,12 / 5, () a, 15 / 7 B, 17 / 7 C, 18 / 7 d, 19 / 7

The answer is d.19/7. The reason is that if 3 is regarded as 3 / 1, then these numbers are 3 / 1, 5 / 2, 7 / 2, 12 / 5, 19 / 7 in turn. That is to say, starting from the second group of numbers, when the numerator minus denominator of the group number is equal to the numerator of the previous group number. For example, D answer 19-7 = 12.12 is the numerator of the previous group number, 12-5 = 7, 7 is the numerator of the previous group number

Numerical reasoning solution. 18 (15) 13,27 (24) 19,21 (12) 17,14 (9) 11,23 () 18

1518(15)13 ----- (18-13)*3=5*3=1527(24)19 ----- (27-19)*3=8*3=2421(12)17 ----- (21-17)*3=4*3=1214(9)11 ----- (14-11)*3=3*3=923(?)18 ----- (23-18)*3=5*3=15 =15A(B)C —— B=(A-C)* 3

Number reasoning: what are the numbers after 19,4,18,3,16,1,17?

The difference between each two numbers is 15
The next number is 2
There is no definite general term in this question, and the following one is not definite

Number reasoning 1,2,16,9,10, ()

Numerical reasoning 1,2,16,9,10, (24), (17), (18)

Several numerical reasoning: 5,29,86128, () 4,18,60140, () 124, (), 6,0, - 8 / 9, 4 / 3,3 / 2,4 / 3,1,10 / 13
Question 1 5,29,86128, () question 2 4,18,60140, () question 3 124, (), 6, - 8 / 9 question 4 / 3,3 / 2,4 / 3,1,10 / 13

Question 1: 95
Analysis: multiply the previous number by 6,3,3 / 2,3 / 4 (equal ratio sequence) and - 1 to get the next number
Question 2: 330 or 264 is factorization
2. 3,5,7,11 prime sequence
2. Grade 6, 12, 20, 30
Multiply up and down to get 11 * 30 = 330
2. 3, 4, 5, 6 natural sequence
2. 6,15,28,44 third order arithmetic sequence
Multiply up and down to get 6 * 44 = 264
The third question: answer 35 power series variant
Add 1 to the original sequence to get: 125, x + 1, 7, 1, 1 / 9
5,6,7,8,9, respectively
3. 2,1,0, - 1 power
So x + 1 = 6 ^ 2 = 36, x = 35
Question 4: 2 / 3
Numerator: 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, (12) combined column
Denominator: 3,4,6,9,13, (18) second order arithmetic sequence
So the answer is: 12 / 18 = 2 / 3