How to calculate 65.7 × (7.884 △ 657)?

How to calculate 65.7 × (7.884 △ 657)?

65.7 △ 657 × 7.884 simple

Simple calculation of 657657 * 494-494494 * 657


Fast calculation: 3456 × 353656 × 1434535 × 6457567 × 501573455 × 657 × 576 × 676 × 6767 × 777 × 56 × 6745 × 657 × 67568

1.28085012877396 * 10 ^ 59 (mental)

Simple calculation of 99 × 99 + 199


Simple calculation of 19999 + 1999 + 199 + 99 + 4


A simple algorithm of 101 divided by 101 and 101 out of 102


99 / 101 × 102

99 of 101 × 102 = (102-1) × 99 / 102 = 102 × 99 / 102-1 × 99 / 102 = 99-99 / 102 = 98 and 1 of 34

(2 + 4 + 6 + 8 + 10 +. + 100 + 102) - (1 + 3 + 5 + 7 +. + 99 + 101) simple algorithm

=(2-1)+(4-3)+(6-5)+…… +(102-101)
=1+1+1+…… +1 (51 in total, 1 102 / 2 = 51)

Calculation by simple algorithm: 1997 ^ 3-1998 × 1999 × 2000


99 / 98 times 97, simple algorithm

=97 and 1 / 98