I don't think the formula of Pythagorean theorem is right. 2,3,4cm right triangle 2's Square 4,3's Square 9,4's Square 16, and 4 plus 9 equals 13,16 is greater than 13

I don't think the formula of Pythagorean theorem is right. 2,3,4cm right triangle 2's Square 4,3's Square 9,4's Square 16, and 4 plus 9 equals 13,16 is greater than 13

First of all, your spirit of questioning and thinking is very good!
However, I think you have overlooked one point, that is the scope
All have a scope, and Pythagorean theorem is applied to right triangle!
2, 3 and 4 are not right triangles, so they don't match
"Scope" is a very important mathematical thought~
Do you understand?

How does 169 square 13?

There is a root table to look up

What's the square of 169
What cube is 144?
What cube is 169?

Actually, you can do it with a computer
The root number 144 will do~