Three sevens and three zeros are read-only. How to write the number of two zeros

Three sevens and three zeros are read-only. How to write the number of two zeros

seven hundred thousand seven hundred and seven

1,2,3,4,0,0,0, read only three zeros

Read only three zeros
1020304 read as: 1020304
1030204 reads: 1030204
1030402 read as: 1030402
Just remember that the 0 at the end of each level should not be read, the 0 at the beginning and in the middle of each level should be read, and several consecutive 0 in each level should read only one 0

27,38,-17,-316,( ),332

This topic is a grouping sequence. Items 2, 4 and 6 form an equal ratio sequence with a common ratio of - 12. Items 1, 3 and 5 are also equal ratio sequences with a common ratio of - 12

If the difference between formula (a + 0.3) * 1.2 and formula a + 0.3 * 1.2 is 0.38, then a is equal to ()
If the difference between formula (a + 0.3) * 1.2 and formula a + 0.3 * 1.2 is 0.38, then a is equal to ()

If the difference between formula (a + 0.3) * 1.2 and formula a + 0.3 * 1.2 is 0.38, then a is equal to (1.9)

Calculation of (1) 52 ° 38 ′ + 21 ° 49 ′ (2) 18 ° 43 ′ 26 ″ * 4 processes


1 + 3-2 + 2 + 4-3.36 + 38-37 = how to calculate?

The result is 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 +. + 37 = (2 + 37) * 36 / 2 = 702

The school divided 66 books into three classes in grade six, with 40 students in class one, 44 students in class two and 48 students in class three. How fair is the division? How many books are each divided into three classes
Come on!

Class one 66 ÷ (40 + 44 + 48) × 40 = 20
Class 2 66 ÷ (40 + 44 + 48) × 44 = 22
Class 3 66 ÷ (40 + 44 + 48) × 48 = 24

The school has bought 280 books and divided them into three classes of grade six according to the number of students. There are 44 students in class one, 50 students in class two and 46 students in class three. How many books do the three classes get?

88 in class one, 100 in class two and 92 in class three

The school gives 256 extra-curricular books to three classes of grade 6. There are 46 students in class 1, 40 students in class 2 and 42 students in class 3. According to the number of students, how many books can each class get

46 in class 1, 40 in class 2 and 42 in class 3
There are 256 extra-curricular books and 128 people. Can teachers have two for each? Of course, one for each. The rest are teachers' books

The school library bought 294 extra-curricular books and decided to lend them to three classes of grade six, 45 students in class one, 50 students in class two and 52 students in class three. If they were distributed according to the number of students, how many books would each class borrow?

45 + 50 + 52 = 147294 × 45147 = 90, 294 × 50147 = 100, 294 × 52147 = 104. A: Class 1 borrowed 90, class 2 borrowed 100, class 3 borrowed 104