Use four 3's and three 0's to form a read-only number of three 0's Fast

Use four 3's and three 0's to form a read-only number of three 0's Fast

three million thirty thousand three hundred and three
Read for yourself

How do 4, 8, 10 and 10 make up 24 points?

1:4 - (8 - 10) × 102:4 - ((8 - 10) × 10)3:4 + (10 - 8) × 104:4 + ((10 - 8) × 10)5:4 - (10 × (8 - 10))6:4 - 10 ×(8 - 10)7:4 + (10 × (10 - 8))8:4 + 10 ×(10 - 8)9:(4 - 10 ÷ 10) × 810:(4 - (10 ...

How can these numbers make up 24

8×6×2÷ 4=24

There are three classes in Grade 6. There are 40 students in class 1, 38 students in class 2 and 42 students in class 3. 360 books are divided into three classes in Grade 6 according to the number of students, and each class is given a share
How many copies?


The school has purchased 99 storybooks and plans to give them to three classes according to the number of students. There are 44 students in class one, 40 students in class two and 48 students in class three. How many books should each class get?

The ratio of class one, two and three: 44:40:48 = 11 + 10 + 12
So class one, two and three should be divided into 33, 30 and 36

The school assigned 210 books to each class according to the number of three classes in Grade 6. There were 50 students in class 1, 42 students in class 2 and 48 students in class 3. How many books were there in each class


There are four classes in the school. There are 84 students in one class and two classes. There are 136 students in two classes and three classes. The number of students in two classes is 25% of that in four classes. How many students are there?
Such as the title
Add the formula!

84 + 136 = 220 class 2 has been added twice, so now the number of 220 people is 1.25 times of the total number. 220 / 1.25 = 176

There are 84 students in class one and class two, 136 students in class two, class three and class four, and the number of students in class two is just 25% of the whole grade,
If I can, I'd like to know what I'm looking for and why

84 + 136 = 220, which means class one to class four (that is, the whole school) plus class two
220 / (1 + 25%) = 176, that is to say, 1 + 25% of the fourth grade is 220

There are four classes in Grade 6 of a school. It is known that there are 82 students in class 1 and class 2, 84 students in class 2 and class 3, and 86 students in class 3 and class 4. How many students are there in class 1 and class 4?

Class 1 and class 4: 82 + 86-84 = 84 (person)
Thinking process: 82 + 86 = the total number of class 1, 2, 3 and 4, knowing that there are 84 people in class 2 and 3, using the total number of four classes - the number of class 2 and 3 = the number of class 1 and 4
Hope to help you, O (∩)_ Thank you!

There are four classes in grade one. There are 83 students in class one and class two, 86 students in class two and class three, and 88 students in class three and class four. How many students are there in class one and class four?
