A number can be proportional to 0.16, 0.32 and 0.4, which may be

A number can be proportional to 0.16, 0.32 and 0.4, which may be

This number may be:
x: 4 = 0.32:0.16, x = 0.8
0.4: x = 0.32: 0.16, then x = 0.2
If 0.4x = 0.16 * 0.32, x = 0.128

Use 0.25, 3 / 4, 8 and another number to form a proportion. This number can be () or () or () ask for the help of the great God

0.25/(3/4)=1/3 x/8=1/3 x=8/3 8/x=1/3 x=24 0.25/8=1/32 x/(3/4)=1/32 x=3/128 (3/4)/x=1/32 x=24 (3/4)/8=3/32 x/0.25=3/32 x=3/8 0.25/x=3/32 x=8/3 24 3/128 3/8 8/3