On October 15, 2007, the Shenzhou-5 spacecraft was successfully launched into space by the long march-2 giant thrust rocket, marking the beginning of a new page in China's space technology. Please answer the following questions based on your physical knowledge: (1) during the normal operation of the spacecraft, the mass of the astronauts in weightlessness (choose "smaller", "larger" or "unchanged"), Inertia (fill in "no" or "still have"); (2) when the spaceship travels in space, the effect of its force (select "received" or "not received"), the basis for your judgment is; (3) the spaceship travels for 21 hours, circling the earth for 14 hours 1. The spaceship travels in space for 21 hours, making 14 circles around the earth. Try to judge whether the spaceship is affected by the force when it travels in space_________________ 2. The reentry module returns to earth at a height of 1.2m from the ground. The recoil engine spurts fire to the ground, and the spacecraft decelerates further and finally lands. It contains the mechanical knowledge:_______________

On October 15, 2007, the Shenzhou-5 spacecraft was successfully launched into space by the long march-2 giant thrust rocket, marking the beginning of a new page in China's space technology. Please answer the following questions based on your physical knowledge: (1) during the normal operation of the spacecraft, the mass of the astronauts in weightlessness (choose "smaller", "larger" or "unchanged"), Inertia (fill in "no" or "still have"); (2) when the spaceship travels in space, the effect of its force (select "received" or "not received"), the basis for your judgment is; (3) the spaceship travels for 21 hours, circling the earth for 14 hours 1. The spaceship travels in space for 21 hours, making 14 circles around the earth. Try to judge whether the spaceship is affected by the force when it travels in space_________________ 2. The reentry module returns to earth at a height of 1.2m from the ground. The recoil engine spurts fire to the ground, and the spacecraft decelerates further and finally lands. It contains the mechanical knowledge:_______________

1. The mass does not change, but still has inertia
Basis: mass is independent of position, inertia is determined by mass
2. Force action
According to: the force is the reason to change the motion state of the object, the spaceship does curve motion, and the motion state changes all the time, indicating that the force is applied
Mechanical knowledge:
1、 Force is the reason to change the motion state of objects;
2、 The action of forces is mutual