Five plus five plus five is 550 plus one sum, which makes the formula true "Plus" and "equal" are symbols You can't change the equal sign. It's OK to sign both numbers

Five plus five plus five is 550 plus one sum, which makes the formula true "Plus" and "equal" are symbols You can't change the equal sign. It's OK to sign both numbers

One of the "+" in 5 + 5 + 5 = 550 plus one stroke is changed into "4"
That is 545 + 5 = 550

Five plus three is eight
Who knows?

five pluses three equals eight .

What is two and fifty-six plus 0.75 plus one and twelve plus five

Five out of two and fifty-six plus 0.75 plus one out of twelve
=Two and fifty-six five plus fifty-six forty-two plus one and twelve five
=Three and fifty-six one plus one and twelve five
=3 and 168 / 3 plus 1 and 168 / 70
=4 and 73 / 168
To adopt the first correct answer is to respect the labor of the respondents. I wish you progress!